(II) Chapter 6: Pursuit

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No words passed between them as they continued to linger in the alley for a few minutes more. There was no need to talk. It was apparent that while Frankie was alive and well in person, her encounter with the Spider had shaken her considerably. Given the conversation Vlad had overheard, it wasn't hard to imagine why.

Rémy was lucky he was all the way on the other side of town, for Dracula wanted nothing more than to throttle the man for putting Francesca in such a precarious situation. Yes, it was true the woman had agreed to the arrangement, but it never should have been an option in the first place.

When Frankie was ready to leave, she began to walk in the direction of the street and the man was quick to fall into step at her side as they made their way back to the metro. The journey was a silent one, and while the brave woman at his side never wept – silently or otherwise – her distress was radiating off of her in waves as she privately processed the traumatic events.

The eleven o'clock train soon arrived at the platform and they boarded. When Frankie refused to sit, opting to stand and hold onto one of the railings above, Dracula followed suit, determined to stay near her, though careful not to crowd her.

Little did he know how grateful she was for his consideration – his silent, steady presence.

After the car had emptied of people a few stops later, leaving them alone between stations, her gaze finally met his and he took her sustained look as permission to speak.

"Are you all right?" was all he could think to say, though he knew the answer before he had even finished asking the question.

To his surprise, she chuckled a little sheepishly.

"No," she answered, looking away from him for a moment when her admission had her eyes prickling a little. "No, I am not."

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Frankie looked back at him, expression filled with a kind of sorrowful tenderness.

"What you're doing right now certainly helps."

His brow furrowed a little.

"And what is it that I'm doing?"

Her lips then curved into a soft smile.

"Caring enough to ask."

Her answer secretly pleased him, and as he began to relax a bit more in her presence, ready to move a little closer to her, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

There were two men in the subway car next to them, an unsavory looking pair, both watching the woman closely. When Dracula went to make eye contact with one of the gentlemen, the latter was quick to divert his gaze.

Vlad looked on suspiciously.

"I don't mean to alarm you, but do you know those two gentlemen in the car next to us?" he asked in a low tone. She went to turn around, but he stopped her. "Don't... don't look directly at them." She did as instructed, sneaking a peak before returning her attention to Vlad, distress in her eyes.

She cursed softly under her breath.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I knew the bastard wouldn't let me off the hook that easy," she whispered. "They work for Aldrick – Basilio must have sent them. You see the tattoos on their necks?"

Dracula sneaked another look to confirm and he nodded.

"There's that tail you warned the others about."

"We can't lead them to Carmen's... we have to lose them."

"Between the two of us, I'm getting the impression by the way that taller one keeps looking at you that he isn't planning on letting you get that far anyway."

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