Rant on Rosa/Brenda

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thominewtaf , I saw the rant you had and I was like, gurl amen to whatever you have to say. Okay. For some odd reason I imagined Brenda being blonde, not as a insult or anything. Anyway, I respect her. Like I'm sorry for all the haters out there that hate her.

But let her be her. Its just kinda messed. I mean, it's just a role, not like WW2 Is about to exploded within us..

Anyway, I just can't even. Just Mkay. Goodbye.


I really need ideas btwwwww. So uhhhhm. Yeah I've ran out. Please gimme ideas (Preferences) and I will DEFINITELY Take them in consideration.Also btw, How'd did I get 9K views, this is so insane. Everyday, I wake up with a lot of reads. And tbh, I love you guys for that. I just can't even right now. Phewwww. Anyway, wow, I'm so flabbergasted. Also, I may be updating every single day next week cause SPRING BREAKKK GLADERSSS! IM SO SHUCKING EXCITIED!!! Sometimes school is Klunk so yeah, gotta get it out of the way, ya know? XD AND 9K on this book? Shucking Amessin!!! And 800 followers!!!!:333

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