The Healer - Chapter 8, The Sickness

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Nimueh's POV

I have been watching over them. They show great promise, but their loyalty to the king will result in their deaths. If only they could see the corrupt ways of Uther, they could help me bring the Kingdom of Camelot to it's knees. If I could get them to join me, I would be unstoppable. But if need be, I will kill Emrys and Persefoni. I will do anything to make Uther pay for his mistakes.

Magic will reign once more...

--- The Town ---

Merlin's POV

"Aren't you scared that you'll catch whatever he's got?" Gaius waved his hand dismissively,

"I'm the court physician, Merlin. It's my job. There's nothing to scared of...most of the time." He turned the body of the collapsed man over to reveal paper white skin and black veins,

"You were saying?" I rasied an eyebrow and pointed towards the man on the floor,

"People musn't see this, it'll cause them to panic." We grabbed the body, put it into our wagon, and covered it with a tarp.

Gwen's POV

"Dad, here's your sandwich.",

"Mmm, what's in it? He asked after taking a bite,

"Smoked pigeon. But I'd say it's more smoke than pigeon." Father looked up and chuckled,

"You're so good to me Gwen." I smiled at his comment and gathered my things,

"And I've made some watercress soup for you tonight." He glanced towards me with a smirk on his face,

"Don't tell me, with more water in it than cress?" We both burst into a fit of giggles and went our separate ways for the day.

--- Time skip to the palace brought to you by Tommy the goldfish <(•-•)> ---

After my little encounter with Merlin and Gaius, I walked to Morgana's chambers to hand her the flowers I picked for her,

"You look happy." Morgana noted as I walked into her room. I gave her a grin and handed her the flowers,

"I picked these for you." Her face lit up as she grabbed the bouquet,

"That's so sweet of you!",

"It's something to cheer you up. I know you haven't been sleeping well lately." The cheerful look that was in her face was quickly replaced with a sad smile,

"You cheer me up." A light blush rose to my cheeks at the compliment,

"Would you like me to put them in water for you?" I asked. She nodded and turned the other way.

Merlin's POV

Gaius and I had taken the body of the recently departed back to his chambers so we could try and determine the cause of his death. As we examined the body, a look of confusion made it's way onto the physician's face,

"I've never seen anything like this before." He said poked and prodded at the deceased,

"Do you think it could be some kind of plague?" I questioned,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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