The Healer - Ch 4, New Beginnings

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Arabella's POV

Being Uther's maidservant was exhausting, but at least I was treated better than my brother supposedly was. He would always come back to our chambers speaking of how Arthur overworked him and was extremely rude. I didn't believe him fully, because Arthur was extremely nice to me, so much I consider him a friend. Uther was a little mean at first but he softened up quickly and started treating me more like a daughter than a servant.

"Your majesty, time to get up." I yanked the curtains open and watched the king wake up,

"Morning Bella." He had started calling me Bella after the first couple of days of work,

"Morning m'lord, what is it that you need to be done today?" I always tried to sound respectful because he could have me killed with a snap of his fingers,

"The tournament starts tomorrow, I will need help preparing."

"Of course." I started to put everything together,

"I also want my sword repaired, so take it to the blacksmith." Uther had finally gotten out of bed,

"Yes, your majesty." And with that, I started my day's work.

--- Training Field ---

I was walking back from Tom's shop when I saw Arthur training for the tournament with Merlin, or rather Arthur training and Merlin getting hit.

"Need someone to train with?" The two men snapped their heads in my direction,

"You want to fight me?" I could hear the amusement in this voice,

"What you too scared to lose? Come on then." I picked up a sword that was near me and got ready. Arthur came forward and started with a strong offense and I managed to throw him into a defense. I slashed my blade trying to get some hits in, but he managed to push me back and I saw an opening so I went for it. It took us both a few seconds to realize that we both had swords pressed against our throats.

"Arthur, Bella, what in God's name are you doing?" I turned to see an angry Uther stomping in our direction,

"Father, Arabella here was just helping me train as my manservant fights like a six-year-old girl." I giggled when I saw my brother's face,

"You know how to sword fight? I thought you were only skilled in archery?" The king questioned,

"No your majesty, I can wield several different weapons. Bows, swords, staffs, slingshots, and my hand to hand combat isn't the worst either." He only stared at me with a look of bewilderment,

"How and why did you learn to do all these things?",

"Well, Merlin can't fight or hunt so I had to fill his role. He can make some excellent clothes though." The three of us just witnessed a sight that was only seen a few times throughout the years, King Uther Pendragon had burst out laughing, so much he fell to the floor clutching his stomach. The sight caused Arthur to start laughing as well, but I quickly jumped to make sure the king was all right.

Uther got up and walked over to his son,

"Make sure you practice more." He walked back into the castle.

--- The tournament ---

"Knights of the realm, it's a great honor to welcome you to a tournament at Camelot." The king announces,

"Over the next three days, you will come to put your bravery to the test, your skills as warriors, and of course, to challenge the reigning champion, my son, Prince Arthur. Only one can have the honor of being crowned champion, and he will receive a prize of 1,000 gold pieces." The crowd gasped as the chest was opened clearly in shock at the amount of gold,

"It is in combat that we learn a knight's true nature, whether he is indeed a warrior or a coward. The tournament begins!" The knights go to exit the arena and Uther pulls the prince aside to whisper something in his ear. I noticed one of the knights, Valiant, was staring at Morgana the whole way through the speech, but at the sight of him, I felt uneasy. Something about him was off, and I didn't like it. I looked over to Merlin and he had the same look I did, trouble has come to Camelot.

End of chapter


Whazzup? So this was more of a filler chapter. I was trying to show a little bit of Ara and Uther's relationship. I know it must seem weird but bare with me, I have plans...😉

Updated - December 19, 2020

Word count - 714

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