The Healer - Ch 3, The Lady Morgana

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Whazzup fellow weirdos? So I normaly use the show's script for my writing, but I'm going to improvise for this chapter. Enjoy Aliens!

Arabella's POV

After Merlin and I got back to the castle, I found out that Gaius intended on bringing us to the feast along with him. I knew I had nothing to wear, so I went to go ask Gwen if she knew any good seamstresses. I ran around asking the staff if they knew where she was. That continued until I spotted her across the hall,

"Gwen!" The young woman turned around and smiled in my direction,

"Arabella!" We hugged each other,

"Ara is fine Gwen." She nodded,

"So, is there any reason in particular you've come looking for me?" She asked,

"Actually, I was wondering if you knew where I could could find something nice to wear. My brother Merlin and I are going with Gaius, the physician." I hoped she knew, or else I would have to ask Merlin if he could help with magic,

"I knew he looked familiar!" Gwen blushed a little. Ooooooooohhhhhh,

"And as for the clothing you are really going to need some help." She gestured towards my black leggings and white tunic and we both laughed, and she led me into a room.

"Gwen?" I heard a feminine voice call and I looked inside the room to find Merlin,

"Right here?" She answered, confused . Merlin started mouthing something to her then gave us both a thumbs up and left. Gwen helped the person do what ever it was they needed help with and then they came from behind the screen. I instantly recognized her as the Lady Morgana from Gaius' description of her,

"Oh, Gwen, who is this?" She looked at me with a polite smile,

"I'm Arabella my lady." I bowed my head a little,

"Please, I prefer Morgana." With that she had gained my respect, for she was nice enough to welcome a commoner into her chambers and not demand that I call her by her title. It was rather refreshing,

"I brought Ara hear because I was wondering if you could help. She is to attend the feast with Gaius and her brother Merlin tonight, but has nothing to wear." Morgan's grin seemed to widen at that. She ran to her closet and kept rummaging through until she bulled out a beautiful red and white dress,

"Morgana, I couldn't possibly such a kind offer I-",

"But Ara you must! This would look absolutely magnificent on you!" The lady was being so nice it was hard to say no,

"Okay then. Thank you both for your help." Morgana and Gwen started jumping around like little children. Gwen looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eye,

"We aren't done with you yet Arabella." And with that I was put in a chair and fixed up.

Arthur's POV

--- At the feast ---

I was sitting at the head of the table alongside my father when the guards opened the door. I looked to see who the new arrivals were, when I was met with the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. The horizon couldn't even match her beauty, it was the girl from earlier Arabella (A/N - Hehe, I did name Arabella after the Arctic Monkey's song).

"God have mercy." The words I thought I had said in my mind had been said aloud. Though most thought I was speaking of Morgana's beauty, I saw Arabella notice my staring at her and blush.

"Announcing, Lady Helen." And she started to sing...

Merlin's POV

The Lady Helen had begun singing, but it sounded...different. Instinctively, I covered my ears and looked at Ara so she would do the same. Everyone around us had fallen asleep and everything was covered in cobwebs. Right as the lady went to belt the final notes, she pulled out a dagger and aimed it for Arthur. A son for a son... It was the witch from the courtyard! I saw a chandelier above her head and used my magic to drop it on her. Once it hit her, everyone began to stir.

"What is the meaning of this?" Uther had seen the old lady under the chandelier. She was seconds away from dying when she lifted her arms and threw a dagger at Arthur and one at Uther. I grabbed into Arabella's arm and slowed down time, I ran and tackled the prince while she did the same to the king.

Arabella's POV

I had just tackled the king of Camelot. He looked at me in shock as I rolled of him and stood up, I saw my brother do the same.

"You two just saved mine and my Son's lives." I curtsey seeing as I'm being acknowledged by King Uther,

"It was no trouble your majesty." I smile politely,

"Nonsense these deeds mustn't go unrewarded. What are your names?" He asks,

"I'm Merlin and this is my sister, Arabella." When Uther heard my name he snapped his head in my direction,

"You are the one that disarmed my son, aren't you? He's spoken of nothing else." I didn't know how to react,

"Yes my lord, that would be me." I looked at Arthur and he was blushing. Why did I find it cute? The king clapped his hands bringing my attention back to him

"Well since you saved the life of my son Merlin, you are hereby appointed his new manservant." The king faced me,

"As for you, you will be my maidservant." Uther started to walk away,

"Father! Father, can we switch!" Arthur called, running after his father. I looked at Merlin with a knowing look, we were in for a hell of a ride.

--- End of chapter ---

Updated - December 15, 2020

Word count - 923

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