Home coming

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date unknown: time unknown: somewhere around the rise of the sun.

i walked up to the apartments i lived entering the lobby. 

the girl who worked the counter stood in total shock and sputtered i looked like hell and had been gone for days.

"how long" i asked as softly as possible.

gloria with her young 20 year old face of which expressed total bewildering shock sputtered,

"n-ni- nine days sir. we- we all th- thought you were..."

"dead?" i spoke kind but flat.

gloria looked to be on the verge of having a complete breakdown.

then she mumbled something about feeling funny and proceeded to sit in the chair behind the counter.

a familiar womanly voice called out softly from a dark corner near the broken elevator

"dont worry about her, shes just sleeping."

as i looked gloria was breathing slowly as humans do in a deep sleep.

"now come on and play with your guest~"

she mused as she dissipated into the shadows.

the elevator in the lobby always was used as a small sitting room on account of how it didnt work, yet oddly enough the singular "ding" chimed from it. so deciding nothing more could go wrong i selected floor ten.

the elevator moved as if it were new. despite it being well over a hundred years old it moved as lightly as a feather in the uprising wind.

when the destination was reached i stepped out, it didnt go un noticed by a small boy rolling through the halls on a small red and white tricycle.

"h-hellow mistor" he said innocently.

"hello fergus, say, you wouldnt happen to have seen anything strange recently would you? any one going in that you havnt seen before?"

after scratching his nose he said "no mistor, just da alevater mooving." and with that he rolled past on his trike without a care in the world.

the apartment door was still locked from when i left earlier today. opening it with the key was going to be hard since it seems to have been thrown from my pocket when i hit the ground earlier several supposed days ago.

then as i looked down at the floor the key slid under the door at my feet with a bit of paper wrapped around it.

the paper had a smooch mark in black lipstick. in the center were the words in intricate beautiful cursive " almost there xo"

unlocking the door and walking in to my apartment was like coming home from a vacation. except it only seemed like an hour or two since i left.

nothing had changed except one thing. i wouldnt mind.


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