Chapter Thirteen

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"Remind me again, where are we going?" Mark asked as I put the last bag in the SUV.

"Rapids Pack in Minnesota," I said as I shut the car trunk. It had taken us just over a week to get everything to Minnesota.


"Because Clara found the Rebellious Resistance hiding near Isabella, Minnesota, in the middle of Superior National Forest. The closest pack in America is the Rapids Pack near Grand Rapids, Minnesota. They live near the Chippewa National Forest. I have also contacted the Quetico Pack in Canada in case any Rebellion have crossed the border."

"Okay, and have Rapids Pack accepted you?" Mark asked.

"Eh," I said, flatting my hand and shaking it from side to side. "They didn't want me to come when I was Kate because of the whole Ashleigh debacle, but now that I am Selene, they are interested in meeting me. They are on the fence about whether or not I am telling the truth, but their Beta came a couple of months ago. He was who I spoke to and said that his Alpha would let me come with backup."

"Okay," Mark said sceptically.

"Look, they are willing to hear me out, and that is more than I can say for the Rebellion. However, they aren't allies yet, so this trip should help me get them over the line."

"So, who is going?"

"Alexi, Gretchen, Reece and Tomas, I could not stop him this time, so you have control of the pack. We are also taking Clara and Adam with us." Mark did not look happy that he was being left behind but nodded. "Take care of Jade for Adam, please."

"Yeah, I got it." Mark looked behind him as he heard a noise behind him. He could see Tomas and Reece coming towards us with bags. Reece was Tomas' bodyguard, and Alexi was mine after Chris' death. Gretchen is an additional warrior who happens to be Reece's mate. Adam had been sent to warrior training for the few weeks he had been with us so he could protect himself.

We would take two cars, and Alexi would drive one while Reece would go the other. I watched as Adam kissed Jade goodbye in the doorway of the packhouse before picking up his bag and walking towards the other SUV. She cried a little but waved him off and watched as he got into the back of the car. Clara got into the back of the other vehicle in her trademark flowing dress and started to read her book.

"You know you can call me and email me if you need to," I told Mark, and he nodded at me as I hugged him goodbye. I then got into the passenger side of the car that Adam was in while Tomas got into the passenger side of Clara's car. Gretchen got into the back with Clara while Alexi got into the driver's side of my car. Reece then got into the driver's side of Tomas' car, and both started to drive away. I waved to Mark, and then we went through the gates of the pack lands to the outside world.

It took us over 20 hours to drive from our pack to the Rapids Pack. Every 5 hours, we swapped out the driver for someone else. We left the Riverrun pack at midday yesterday and arrived at the Rapids Pack the next day at 8 am.

We turned into a small road and up to a vast, double gate. I was driving the car, so I pressed the intercom button, and a distorted voice came over the intercom. I told them who I was and was there to meet, and they let me in.

We drove another mile or so before we made it to the main packhouse. This place was laid out so that the main packhouse was the first house you saw, and then behind it were the other houses, flats and buildings, including their 'main street'. I parked the car in the parking lot just off the main road, and when we got out, my legs felt like jelly and were so sore.

As soon as we parked, the Alpha and his wife opened the massive front doors to the packhouse and came down the porch steps to meet us. The Alpha, Clark Jade, was in his early 40s and had been the Alpha for half his life. His father had died in a rogue war that the pack had. Alpha Clark had long, shoulder-length brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was as broad as he was tall, and his muscles had muscles. He wore a red plaid shirt and khakis as he left the house. He had a vast, old scar across his face, making him seem like someone you would not want to double-cross. He also narrowed his eyes slightly at me, but I breathed out and let my Goddess Powers into the air. I saw my power hit him, and his eyes widened slightly before his glare disappeared. Since accepting my past lives, my hair has steadily gotten whiter and white. At the moment, it was a platinum blonde, but when I let my power out, it glowed softly.

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