Chapter Twenty-Two

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Tomas' POV:

I walked with resolve through my packhouse, a flurry of chaos and movement. People ran out the door, shifting as they did to reach the clearing just beyond the houses, whilst others bolted for the basement. I saw mothers tearfully kiss their adult sons goodbye as they ran off to war, whilst others gripped their young children as they hurried to safety. I watched mates beg their other half to return to them, and others head to the fight together. 

I saw anger, hurt, fear, and resolve in the eyes of those I passed. I had the same feelings, and I walked out of my packhouse with purposeful strides, away from my mate and child and towards the clearing. 

I breathed in the crisp air of the afternoon, and the smells of my pack hit me, but in the air, carried by the wind, was the scent of magic and of those who would wish us hard. The animals had scattered, whether in the presence of predator animals or from predator humans, I did not know. I watched as my pack shifted, both young and older. I watched as a mirage of coloured fur shook and paced towards the threat. They all stood behind me, awaiting my command and for me to shift, but I would not until the Warlock was spoken to. 

The leaves and dirt crunched beneath my boots. Twigs snapped in two, and the wind rustled through the forest trees. The dense forest obscured my view slightly, but then it started to thin, and the wildlife calls ceased as we reached the clearing. My wolves, shrouded by the trees, remained low and hidden as they could, careful not to risk detection, but I could also sense Alexei running the perimeter to gauge numbers and location. 

"It was unwise for you to come to the Pack Lands!" I called to the Warlock, my eyes on him, but they shifted momentarily towards Clara. Clara, whom we had welcomed with open arms into our homes and lives. Clara, who we had trusted and thought was helping, had hindered Selene. 

"It was unwise for you to come and stop me." He replied, but his voice carried, and it was like it was in my head. I cracked my neck in annoyance at the sound and heard some wolves whine low. 

"How are you so sure that my child is the one to stop you? Prophecies change!" 

"There is only one Selene, and it is your child." 

"Clara," I said, pointing to the woman by the Warlock's side. She looked at me with distaste and slight confusion as to my words. "Did we not treat you well? As one of our own? We cared for you, and you now wish us hard?" 

"I have always wished you harm!" I growled low at that. Unable to believe that she would do this when she acted so kindly. 

Just then, Alexei and some of the other guards came up behind the wall that they had penetrated and attacked the back row of their group. This caused the momentary distraction I needed, and I pounced; shifting mid-air, I charged towards the warlocks who had turned to the wolves that had taken them by surprise. My wolves charged me out of the trees and towards the group; some noticed the attack and started using their magic to retaliate, but we did not give others a chance. 

Screams, blood and fur flew through the air. The sound had broken the still air of breaking bones, yells, gurgles of death and the gnashing of teeth. I managed to grip the arm of the nearest Warlock, and with a yank, I broke it and ripped out as much flesh as I could. Blood spurted and pooled in my mouth, which I spat out, and then I lunged again before the Warlock could make his move. I swiped my clawed hand and ripped his throat out. He clutched his hand to his exposed throat, gurgling as he did, and then he crumpled to the ground and died. 

I quickly moved on, dodging balls of energy as I did and tore into the heel of the nearest Warlock. He howled in pain as he crumpled to the ground, where I pulled at his throat with my teeth and slashed at his chest with my claws. His mouth pooled on the floor, and his eyes went blank. 

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