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Just before Catherine Eddowes was violently murdered, and discovered by the Jews, she has her final client.

      The Ripper, (who wasn't the Doctor who was lying low for awhile), was dressed in a seaman's uniform: a grey clothed hat, blue colored shirt, black breeches, a black colored belt, and black colored boots on his face.

         He wasn't a real seaman; he wasn't part of Admiral Harris's crew...or any member of any other crew on any London ship that was moored on the Docks.

          It was a disguise to put off the scent of Scotland Yard, Churchman George Lusk, and Chief Frederick Abberline...

          ...And it worked!

He wore a "Pepper and salt jacket" as well.

        He lifted it up so he could keep warm.

        "Cold; very cold", he said.

        And a red colored neckerchief, (the well known symbol of Scouts; Cowboys in the American "Wild West", and Sailors), that gave him the "Look" of someone who was mysterious...And dangerous...Especially at night time.

The Ripper saw Catherine Eddowes at the Church Passage, (south west of Duke Street), near Mitre Square; then near the Great Synagogue of London, (to the south wall-home to all of the new Jewish migrants who came from Isreal, and Poland, as well as Russia, to England)...Once he murdered her, he vanished into the cold, London foggy evening...And didn't kill again for awhile.


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