𝟏𝟏 - 𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞

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Jungkook winced occasionally as they made their way back to the village.

The bloodfeeder was pretty easy to take down considering Jungkook wasn't alone so the six wolves had managed to remain uninjured for the most part.

"You don't look so well", Jin halted seeing Jungkook in so much distress.

"I can't help it!", Jungkook groaned.

"I am definitely not looking forward to that part of having a soulmate", Taehyung chuckled.

He was referring to the fresh pain of having a soulmate. Feeling the pain especially from physical injuries of one another was a common trait but overtime it would fade and become less prominent but since Jungkook found you only a week ago or so, the pain was as bad as if the person was going through with it themselves. You on the other hand could feel Jungkook's pain but were less aware of it because you were not part wolf. It was the only think keeping you away from being suspicious of this whole soulmate thing which Jungkook was grateful for.

"Do you ever plan on telling her?", Hoseok asked.

It was a question on all the boys' mind but it was a slippery slope getting it out there.

Jungkook thought of it for a while, he had already revealed the telepathic communication to you which he was desperately hoping you would forget and not question but he would never be willing to come clean of such a thing. In fact, he was trying to ignore the bond this whole time, the only problem was with the aching pain in his arm being a reminder..he could not get away with ignoring it that easily.

Jungkook shook his head looking down. He knew his hyungs would be disappointed by his decision but this was for the best. You were a human and from all the human soulmate stories he had ever heard, regarding there weren't many, they never ended well.

"That's not fair to Y/N and you", Jimin stated.

"You're right its not fair to me, how did I get stuck with her as a soulmate, why me?", Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I mean its not fair to you because we can't live without soulmates, you can't hide your emotions and connection like that", Jimin explained.

"Well yeah...watch me!", Jungkook retorted.

The rest of the boys shared defeated glances. There was not much that could make Jungkook change his minds, even his hyungs.


You occasionally moved your arm to find a more comfortable position every once in a while.

The bandage Yoongi put on was helping but you could still see the blood stains, the bloodfeeder had gotten you bad.

"Stop moving your arm", Jungkook winced since he was feeling the pain too, "Its injured for God's sake!!", you flinched when you heard Jungkook from behind you.

You were so relieved he was alright, without even thinking about it you got up and ran to hug him.

"Thank God you're okay", you sighed a breath of relief.

Jungkook halted, you were hugging him. He didn't hug you back of course but he did think about it. His arms even almost didn't listen to his brain as they hovered around your waist.

You smelled like a garden, the most amazing garden with all the flowers from roses to dais-

"Jungkook, hello?", you broke the hug and waved your hand in front of his face.

Jungkook was soo lost in your scent, he forgot that you were talking to him.

You gave him a suspicious look seeing him so dazed.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐉𝐤Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu