𝟏𝟖 - 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞

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The day had come for you to leave.

Could you stay? Yes

Would you stay? No.....Jungkook hadn't wanted you to.

You walked out of your room for the very last time.

Despite all the cracks running through your room walls, the creaking bed and even the broken mirror, you lived more of the life you had dreamed about between these walls than the ones in the kingdom.

Outside your room, you saw the boys huddled near the burning logs.

You couldn't help but chuckling at the conversation they were having.

"I'll guide Y/N out of the fores-", Taehyung demanded

"No I will!", Hoseok refuted.

Obviously you weren't the only one who had gotten attached.

You yourself were excited to see who would win the debate in order to guide you out of the forest.

To your absolute dismay, Jungkook was the one guiding you out.

"Just great!", you thought rolling your eyes.

You couldn't lie that a part of you was relieved that Jungkook, after a lot of resting was almost back to normal after the bloodfeeder attack.

It would have really killed your conscious still seeing him ill when you left.

Jin sighed grabbing your attention, "Well Y/N, this is goodbye".

They all gathered around you, giving you the chance to say your final farewell.

"Thank you for everything, I'm really going to miss you guys", you could feel the tears forming in your eyes.

"Come here", Jimin gestured his hands as they all wrapped you in a hug, everyone except Jungkook who watched with a straightened face from afar.

"I wish there was some way we could keep in contact", Yoongi commented.

"Maybe I could come back to visit someday", you joked.

"Yeah someday", Yoongi smiled.

Jungkook cleared his throat as a sign to tell you it was time to go.

The forest was only safest to pass through when the sun was up so there was no time to delay.

You waved one last time at the boys before making your way out of the village behind Jungkook.

Jungkook could feel that ache in your heart, it was sincere, you were actually going to miss them.

Jungkook would miss you too not that he would say that to you.

You guys walked and walked with silence lingering like a stubborn breeze on a cold day.

It felt longer and your feet got heavier the more the castle became visible. You did not think you were going to go back.

Jungkook suddenly halted as the last of the trees became visible upfront. A few more steps and you would be out of the forest completely.

"This is where you walk straight and never look back", Jungkook stated. There was that sour tone in his voice you knew so well.

"Thank you", you replied. Despite the fight you guys had, you still felt you owed him a sincere farewell. After all it was nice enough he hadn't hurt you since he had taken you as captive to begin with.

Jungkook was surprised, if he was rude to you, you usually threw the attitude back.

He nodded his head understandingly still keeping his eyes wandering elsewhere.

That's how much disgust he felt?

The truth was he couldn't risk looking at you, he was afraid his own voice would betray him and ask you to stay.

You began to walk away from him as his eyes longingly situated on your back.

You were about to take another step but you just couldn't.

Namjoon's wordsfrom his story rang in your head, "He would have done anything to get some more time with her, anything to save her.... Anything to be with his soulmate again".

If this was the last time you would see Jungkook, there was something you were going to do before you left.

You turned around once again to Jungkook.

Your heart making the actions on it's on accord now.

You took big steps towards Jungkook, grabbing his face in your hand and connecting your lips with his.

You were panicking for a slight second when you didn't feel anything back.

Jungkook was shocked but when he registered what was happening, you felt the sudden smile against your lips making your stomach do cartwheels.

You closed your eyes and you swore you could imagine fireworks behind you.

You had always been confused before, home felt like a distant word to you, you had never felt home in the kingdom, you thought you'd never feel home anywhere, always escaping and always being on the run until this.

You hadn't thought of it like this. A person could be your home.

Jungkook was your home.

He broke off first, abruptly as if he had something urgent to say.

"Stay", he whispered as if it were a delicate word he would regret saying later.

"Stay for me, stay wit-" Before he could finish, Jungkook's eyes closed and he fainted into your arms.

"Jungkook!", you screamed, not being able to carry his weight on your own, you lay him down on the floor, kneeling with him.

A snicker echoed through the forest as you turned to look around you, you saw guards, you saw Shiela, you saw the Prince?

"Well, well, well, we finally meet princess", he smirked.



𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now