𝟏𝟕 - 𝐅𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫

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You wiped your tears but nothing was stopping them. You sat on your bed in defeat. The day you first came to this room, you were aching to leave as soon as possible but now, you were struggling to cope with the fact that you were going to leave. You did have to sooner or later but you hated what was happening between you and Jungkook.

Yes, to begin with, you didn't care about him at all but more than on one occasion, he had saved you and now that he was your soulmate, it felt like there was a new found connection. It was rare, this secret you shared with him and you wanted to keep it.

You were lost in your thought when you heard a knock on your door. You smiled knowing who it was before even looking up, there was only one person who knocked. You couldn't even tell them apart before but now you had even caught on there mannerisms. You were going to miss this place.

"Hey Namjoon", you looked up to meet his eyes.

"Hey Y/N", he passed you one of those smiles, it was bittersweet.

"I-umm came to talk to you actually", he fiddled with his fingers.

You patted the space next to you. You sure wouldn't have acted to a wolf like that on your first day here. You chuckled thinking about it.

"What do you wanna talk about", you sombrely wiped away some tears from your face.

"I want to tell you a story actually...if you'll listen?", he asked.

You nodded your head.

"This story dates a few years back, it's about a wolf, a lucky one that is, he found his soulmate earlier than anyone else in the village, at the age of 9, at school. He still remembers that day, even which direction the wind had blown, even the colour of his soulmates eyes. Naturally being soulmates, they began to grow together, through childhood and teenage years. But then...one day, the soulmate scar slowly but surely began to fade from the boy's face", Namjoon sighed like this was all too heavy on him to recall.

"Startled, the boy went to his soulmate's house, what he saw, he still sometimes has nightmares about, his soulmate was sick, too sick that in a few days, the soulmate scar disappeared forever and with it, his soulmate. He tried very hard to not lose any memory of her but years pass and just like the scar disappeared, it was like she had never existed to begin with. It wasn't until then he realized he would have done anything to get some more time with her, anything to save her. Anything to be with his soulmate again, he never felt whole again", A tear cascaded down Namjoon's cheek as you squeezed his hand.

He didn't have to say it, you knew that he was the boy in the story.

"I'm so sorry", you whispered, not wanting to disturb the silence of the room.

"What was her name?", you asked.

He traced it on his thigh with his hands as he said it, "Lina".

"She was everything I ever wanted, even now, even if she was sick, even if all her life she had been on a bed, I would have still chosen her in a heartbeat", he gulped.

"I...I told you this story because I wanted to tell you that no matter who your soulmate is, you have a special bond, no one will ever look or feel the same way to you, you won't get a second chance and I know you're leaving but I hope you leave it on a good note with Jungkook", he stated.

"He told me he hates me as a soulmate, how could I possibly leave it on a good note?", you sighed crossing your arms in frustration.

"Y/N- Jungkook is young and therefore he is stupid sometimes-"

"Sometimes, you mean all the time", you mumbled.

"My point is, one day he'll realize how stupid he is being about all this, you mark my words, I just don't want you to do something stupid now...please for me...and Lina", he passed you a small smile.

How could you say no to that!

You were going to be the bigger person in all this.

Despite me being the one writing Namjoon's sad soulmate story, I feel so bad for him nooo😭

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now