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Today. Today was the day. after all these months. All this waiting. you could finally visit him.

You had slowly started to notice a change in his character, but didn't pay any mind. Oh how that would be a mistake later.

You were walking down the charcoal road, kicking pebbles at your feet. Wilbur was beside you. He kept insisting this was a bad idea. But he was your friend, and you can't just leave friends hanging. Plus, part of you kind of wanted to go, just to see.

"you know, we can still turn back" he tilted his droopy head towards you. "Wilbur, please. what's the point in doing that? plus, I kinda wanna go" you mumbled the last part, but it went through just fine in Wilbur's ears.

"are you crazy?! have you been living in the van all this time?" you tried to reply but Wilbur quickly cut you off, "everyone has been saying he's going crazy, he's been trying to kill Dream for fucks sake"

"ok, chill out." you put your hands out in front of you, trying your best to calm him down and reassure him, "I'm sure we'll be just fine"

He scoffed, "yeah, just fine when we're strapped to chairs with knifes to our necks"

"okay, don't you think you're over exaggerating a little"

Wilbur was quick to respond, "NO!" he looked around—noticing he shouted a little too loud—checking if anyone was around.

"fine! just one visit please, then that's it" you pleaded.

Wilbur gave you a stern stare, "I don't even know why I'm coming with you!" he threw his hands up in annoyance.

"well I didn't want to go alone", you said quietly. You didn't want to anger him too much. That would end pretty bad. A black eye probably wouldn't be realistic enough.

"maybe you should've asked tommy! I'm sure he would've loved to come." his annoyed tone showed through.

"mm, I would've. but I haven't seen him around, and seeing as he's a kid, I don't really think that would turn out well. he would probably end up pressing all these random buttons and blow this place to shit.".

he scoffed "yeah, that's probably the only thing I'll agree with you on for a long time".

you didn't really know what to say to that, so you just hummed in response.

"well, here it is." he motioned his hand forward.

"yeah, I can uh, see that.." you stared up in aw.

The building was lit with all these colourful lights. Red, purple, blue, white, you name it. Around the two was a city full of flashing lights. A huge sign to their right was lit in a yellow, pasty light, with the words reading Las Nevadas. It was a beautiful sight to take in. You wondered how long it had taken for him to build all of this. Probably months of planning.

"well, are we gonna go in or..?" Wilbur turned to stare at you.

"huh-oh yeah! right." you snapped out of whatever trance you were in at that moment.

You both stood still, "are we-" "yeah yeah hold on" you stared at the glass doors, you saw no one.

"ok well then, let's go I guess" Wilbur too stared at the all too clear glass. "I guess.."

You took the first step, Wilbur quickly following behind you. Now you were at the door, fingers wrapped around the shiny, golden door handle. You had a weird feeling start in your stomach.

The door opened effortlessly, like it had just been installed. The floor was made of this swirly, red and black carpet. You guys walked further into the lobby. The air felt tight.

The place was still dead silent. No shoes batting against the floor, no chattering. Only this faint music you could barley make out.

A curved table sat in the middle of an open space near the back wall. You assumed it to be the reception booth. You walked up to it. The shiny, black marbled counter gave you something to stare back at.

Behind the counter was this very tinted glass, and if you weren't to take notice of this, you would mistake it as merely a wall.

Through the glass you could see a faint figure moving, and the more you stared, the more the scenery around the figure came into focus. You could assume that was the main area.

"Wilbur.." you whispered, "I think we have to go in there".

Yet, came no response.

"Wilbur" you let his name linger on your tongue, whispering louder.

"I swear to god if this is one of your sick jokes to scare me out of here, I'm gonna kill you" a slight panic was heard in your tone.

You slowly turned around, expecting him to pop out from a room and yell "surprise!".

The lobby was empty.

You looked around.

You crept through the lobby, peaking through a cracked open door. "Wilbur!" you whispered, but loud enough to let him know you weren't joking around.

You felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. Maybe Wilbur was right. Maybe you shouldn't have come in the first place.

You kept checking over your shoulder, hoping you would catch Wilbur trying to sneak up behind you. The dead silence was slowly getting to you.

You stood still, as if if you moved, you'd die.

The lobby was completely rid of any beings, yet it felt like you were being watched by millions.

Your eyes shifted around the deserted area. You swore you saw an evil grimace of a familiar figure, but it passed too quick to process through your brain.

He knew you had arrived.

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