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Those words rang in your ears.

He pulled you down another dark hallway.

He went into a room and closed the door after you came in, locking it with a key, putting it in his pocket.

He went to the corner of the room and grabbed out a thick rope.

"alright, you're ether gonna cooperate" he stepped closer, "or I'm gonna make you"

he kept inching forward, unraveling the rope, "this is for your own good, y/n"

"you think I'm just gonna voluntarily kill myself?" you stepped back.

He sucked his teeth, "fine".

He threw the rope to the side of the room, "ill be back. be a good girl for me, don't try and run" he gave a fake smile and quickly opened and closed the door.

As soon as he was a couple feet from the door, you ran to pick the lock.

Of course it was locked from the outside. Such a fucking power move.
You sat in the corner for a good 5 minutes, but it had felt like an hour.

Finally, well, I shouldn't say finally. The door opened, he held his phone in his right hand and a base—hold on.

"oh fuck no" you laughed "what the fuck are you gonna do with that".

"well, I was gonna have sex with it" he still stared at his phone.

You gave him a confused glare.

"I'm joking" it's clear the silence got to him. You wondered how he lives in a place like this, where it's always silent.

"I'm gonna say this one last time," he readied his bat in case anything were to go wrong. "either you cooperate, or I make you"

"and I'm gonna say this one last time, I'm not gonna voluntarily kill myself" you said the last part very slowly, like you wanted to make sure he understood.

"don't fucking act smart, cooperate or die" his grip tightened on the bat.

"okay when did it go from I'll make you to die?" you shakily laughed.

"just now," he pursed his lips "like I said, don't act smart"

"I'm not!" you put your hands up in reasoning.

"clearly you are" he said, mockingly.

"whatever!" you threw your hands up in defeat.

"mm, that's what I thought" he hummed, "now, come sit down on this chair" he stated, pointing to the old piece of furniture.

"um okay" you slowly approached the chair, sitting down.

"wish it could've been that easy from the start" he muttered, going around to the back of the chair.

"give me your hands" he stated.

You hesitatingly put your hands up. "the other way, dumbass".


He pulled your hands behind you. He held both of your hands in one while he went to grab the rope.

He grazed your fingers, tying the rope impatiently.

"oww, the hell was that for" you complained. He had tied it way too tight. He didn't want you to escape.

He finished with the knot and fished for something in a crate. he brought out a similar cloth to what you saw on Wilbur. God you wished he got out. He's had so much time.

"isn't this en-"

"no" he quickly cut you off, shutting you up.

He wrapped the cloth around your head, tying the back as tight as the hands.

He fished a blindfold from the mess and pulled it over your head.

He swept his hands together, grabbing a hold of the bat.

"alright, this might hurt a little"


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