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Aiyana Valentino

I woken up from my slumber, feeling like I was in an everlasting sleep. My head pounding like a hammer from all the events of last night.

I peel my eyes open, to my dismay, what I had thought was a dream turned out to be reality.

I was laying in the arms of my husband, both hugging each other tighter than a death grip.

Feet tangled up together, with his head nuzzled in the crook of my neck.

An uncontrollable smile latched on my face at the sight. He looked adorable whenever he's sleeping. The scrunch between his eyebrows eases, with his overall muscles relaxing from looking puff and serious all day.

His pouty lips were the cutest and I can feel the slight stubble on his chiseled jaw tickling my neck.

I throw a look downwards checking just to be sure, finding we're both are in fact still in last night's clothes. The realization eases my mind but at the same time I can't help but feel a wave of disappointment pooling in my stomach.

I didn't know what I was expecting to find, Amren has made it very clear that he's not going to touch me against my consent, and that there's no pressure at me to participate in something I wasn't ready for. He made it abundantly clear that he's not going to take advantage of me, I think especially with last night's breakdown.

I lay my head back on the pillow, staring blankly at the ceiling, at the events of last night, my breath hitches in my throat.

I hate the fact I let him see me like that; vulnerable. I was supposed to be strong and willing, not some week person who cries at the smallest obstacle thrown in their way.

I feel the liquid pooling in my eyes, fresh tears standing by, ready to fall down the second I allow them a bit of space.

I widen my eyes, and flare my nose in desperate attempts to stop the ongoing tears from flowing down my cheeks.

All the unnecessary noises of trying to quiet down my hassles must've been loud enough to wake Amren up, because the next second his hazel eyes are looking straight at me.

I turn away from him, not allowing him to witness my weakness, at least not for the second time in the circumstance of hours. I bring my fingers to my cheeks to wipe down any evidence of my crying, wishing I could also wipe those of last night as well, knowing full on, it's to no avail.

I feel his gentle touch as he turns my head back, so that I can face him, he brings the pads of his thumbs to gently pat the tears away.

A new pool of tears gathers at the corner of my eyes, waiting excitedly their turn to slide down my face, he seems to notice as well, he frowns looking at me.

"Why are you crying?" He says concern filled.

"Um, it's probably nothing, I don't know" I answer and he seems to contemplate my answer for a while before he decides -thankfully for me- to drop it.

He brings his arm to the side of my face, stroking my cheekbone slightly while also playing with my hair. The action brings me an infinite amount of tranquility.

I close my eyes and lean into his touch. I guess that's what happens when you grow up deprived of love as a child, when you do get it later in life -no matter how small ounces of it- you can't help but melt right away.

That's what I was doing. At the mere touch of his, I'm brought to calmness, the feeling of being cared for, loved even, blooms inside me like a set of butterflies breaking through a kaleidoscope. The feeling is so serene and heaven like.

"I should apologize for yesterday, I had no right of accusing you of anything I didn't have any evidence of" He suddenly draws out and the air in the room thickens subsequently.

I sigh out a long huff "It's alright, you didn't know" I told him. Honestly, he hadn't had the slightest clue about the words I never spoke. How could he have known if I never mentioned it to him at all?
He's been oblivious to my dislike for my father, just as rest of the world is.

"Still, I shouldn't have questioned your loyalty" He said while focusing his intense gaze on me. Laser targeting me with his words.

To assure him, I placed my hand on his that laid on my cheek. I grabbed it tightly squeezing, while the other hand shoots out to firmly grab his stubbled jaw.

I look him dead in the eye, certain to deliver my next words as affirming as can be "I'll never do such thing, Ren. As long as I am your wife and carry your last name, I shall remain faithful and loyal to you, and you only".

I make sure the look in my eyes convey the same message. He just nods and brings my hand to his lips, kissing the tips of my fingers.

I smile and in order to hide the blush in my cheeks, I bury my face in his chest while it rumbles with laughter underneath me.


A/n: ok, I have to admit this
chapter was super cute.
Do you agree?

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