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She sat at the table with Ronan, Levi and Aaron, munching away on a tart red apple. She listened to their conversation, amused at their vivaciousness.

"She's clapped," Aaron curled at his lip as Levi talked about a girl who had passed him her number. "Don't know why you would even consider her."

Clementine frowned.

"You can't say shit," she scowled. "You look like a fucking corpse, all pale and dead. And sometimes when you wake up, your face is puffy, so you look like a bloated corpse. Like, one that drowned in a lake or something."

Aaron turned pink and cried out in indignation, embarrassed as Ronan and Levi laughed loudly.

"Hey!" He protested, shooting her a glare. "I'm only saying since she said the n-word and shit."

Clementine winced.

"Sorry," she grinned. "Only joking. You look pretty alive to me."

He kicked her shin and sulked to himself.

"Hattie said the n-word?" She curled her lip, tilting her head.

"Yeah," Ronan nodded, blunt teeth cracking into a crisp, red apple. "I told you she was a fuckin' weirdo."

She jumped as a strong set of arms came from behind and wrapped around her, pressing her against a hard chest. She gasped before looking behind her and catching sight of a familiar head of ebony curls and cocky grin.

"Don't do that!" She admonished, punching his arm. "Thought you were some rando."

"You want me to stop?" Elijah grinned and buried his face into her neck, planting a soft kiss on the skin.

"Get the fuck out," Ronan rolled his eyes, throwing his apple at Elijah's head, and shaking Levi.

"Ronan, let go of me!" Levi complained, shoving him off her.

"You just shoved my prosthetic leg."

"I shoved your fucking arm," Levi scowled. "And don't act like I wouldn't shove your leg."

"He would," Aaron nodded. "Remember that time Levi took your leg while you slept?"

Ronan shoved Aaron. Clementine snorted, shaking her head.

"That is so fucked up."

"We were fourteen," Levi said as explanation.

Clementine burst into laughter, watching the spectacle unfold in front of her.

They settled, and she slung a leg over his left leg, languishing in the afternoon sun. The boys began conversing between themselves, and she tilted her head back to rest against Elijah's arm. The world around her suddenly muffled, and all she could think of was that photograph of her mother.

Her stomach dropped and she felt like she had been doused with a bucket of cold water. What was she going to do? God, how was she going to tell her father?

"Clem?" Elijah nudged her. "You okay?"

She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. He tilted his head, eyes roving over her features with concern.

"Yeah, I'm alright," she smiled softly.

He watched her quietly, those perceptive eyes of his tracking over her features. His thumb stroked her shoulder, but he didn't say anything.

"I wanted to tell you before, but i got distracted," he said. "My mum invited me over for dinner, and I wanted to bring you with me."

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