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"You go wake up Levi, I'll wake up Ronan."

It was so dark in the hallways that Clementine had to use a flashlight to light up her way. Aaron and Elijah were already wide awake, the former dressed in a comfortable knit vest and black and white plaid pajamas. Elijah wore a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, his under eyebags dark. They had decided to break into her mother's office and retrieve security footage of the illicit act committed by her mother.

"Got it," she nodded to Aaron, throwing him a thumbs up.

She thought it was mildly amusing that Aaron was so incredibly pale that he resembled an apparition in the carved hallway, unable to pass onto the spirit realm because of his unresolved grudges. He glared at her she stood still, waving his arms and tapping his watch.

"I'm going!" She hissed. "Relax."

Her slippers were soft enough that they only created soft tapping sounds on the wooden floor as she snuck up to Levi's room. Her fingers made quick work of the lock, slipping the bobby pin into the small hole and shimmying it until she heard the telltale click. Her braid swung as she glanced around for any unwanted visitors, Clementine snuck into his room.

He lay curled up in a ball on his bed, curls strewn across his bed. The covers were half thrown across his torso and half spilling onto the floor.

"Levi," she whispered, pocketing her flashlight and shaking his shoulder. "Wake up."

His eyes flew open on a gasp, scrambling up to a wall. The moonlight shone on the scar decorating his face, making it appear smooth and shiny. He blinked in confusion, hand slamming on his bedside table as he scrambled for a pair of wire-framed glasses. They fogged up quickly in the cold air.

"Fuck," he breathed, smoothing his curls off his face. "W-What are you doing in my room?"

"We're breaking into the office," she tilted her head, waving a hand across his bleary face. "Remember?"

"Oh, yeah," Levi rubbed at his eyes, grabbing her hand as she pulled him up. "Too early for this shit."

"Way too early," she agreed. "I didn't know you wore glasses."

He flushed. "I usually wear contacts around school. Can't be bothered to put them in for this shit."

"You should wear them more, they suit you."

"Huh," he said, considering her words. "Maybe."

"You look so pretty, babygirl," Aaron crooned mockingly, yelping when Levi shoved him hard.

"You deserved that," Clementine smirked as Aaron huffed and rubbed his arm.

She looked to her side, the clock on his wall read a quarter past 3. They had officially entered the witching hour. Levi pulled on a white cable-knit sweater, serving as a soft and warm barrier from the freezing air.

He slung an arm around her shoulder and slipped on a pair of slippers, leading them out of his dorm. The other boys stood outside of the room, Ronan bickering with Elijah about his lack of sleep.

"Come on, move it blondie," Ronan barked, wrapping a cashmere scarf around his neck. "I'm freezing my balls off here."

Levi and Clementine swapped glances, before raising an eyebrow at the other boy.

"Who are you talking to?" She raised an eyebrow. "We're both blonde."

"You. Both of you. I don't know." Ronan sighed. "Just hurry up."

"I'm standing right here, you should be the one moving."

"I'm moving."

"I don't see you moving."

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