Chapter - 1 - The Burning Flame

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A Man was On the bed taking IV Drip , He was weak and his eyes were red and Swollen .

He was in an unconscious state , he was mumbling in his unconscious state .

He was bobbling his head against the pillow .

He remembers in his unconscious state , A little girl running around the house and he could here the sound of the anklets .

He notices the little girl was happily running around the house happily looking at her new anklets .

She suddenly trips and falls on the ground .

Girl :( Groaning in pain ) Ahhhhh ...

The Man remembers noticing blood on her leg .

He wakes up with a jerk and Shouts Her name .

Man :( scared and shouts ) RIDDHIMA .

The Man looks at the dark room and the night panicking .

He looks at the IV drip attached to his hand .

He remembers the reality and falls against the bed .

Tears roll down as he thinks about the reality and He calmly takes out his cigar box .

He takes the cigar and starts smoking .

His heart is bleeding in pain and It is filled with Immense sadness .

A women enters the Room .

Women : Vansh bhai ?

Are you fine ?

Vansh doesn't respond and blankly looks at the wall .

She gets irritated as her bhai is ignoring her and thinking about someone unimportant .

Women : Bhai , Just stop thinking about her .

And stop paining yourself for that bitch .

She rejected you , left you and she is now Married to her loser lover .

She never loved , she only loved that loser and now she willing got married to him today .

Just forget about her Vansh bhai .

Vansh looks at her with a anger filled eyes .

Vansh : ( Gulping down his sorrow ) Not a word against her Ishani , I will kill you .

Ishani in disbelief laughs at herself .

Ishani :Oh wow , My bhai would kill me for that women " who rejected him "and Right now having her First Night with the husband .

Just wow , haan .

Vansh listens to her and only one word is repeated in his mind .

Riansh FF : Bepahanna Ishq Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora