Chapter -13 - The Wedding

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Next Day Morning everyone woke early and were busy in the preparations for the BIG DAY .

Riddhima's and Vansh's Grand parents were doing all the work , THOUGH Riddhima and Vansh were helping them , The grand parents wouldn't allow them to help as it was there Big day .

Vansh keeps Sneaking in Riddhima's room , No matter what people in the house think or His Grand Mother ( Ammamma ) Beat him up , He doesn't give a damn about it  .

Riddhima was still sleeping in her room , She was tired and slept late at Night .

Riddhima was Sleeping soundly without any care .

While Vansh came to wake her up , He sat beside her caressing her hair .

He moved close to her ear and Slowly gently nibbling her ear .

Vansh : Riddhu baby , Wake up .

It's Our Big Day .

Riddhima still in sleeping starts answering him in Sleep .

Riddhima :( Sleepy ) Five more minutes , Please .

Asking for five minutes , she snuggles vansh and sleeps .

Vansh takes a Sigh in Stress .

Vansh : Okay , Five Minutes .

I will wake you up in Five minutes .

Riddhima : Hmmm.

It was Ten minutes and Vansh doesn't feel like waking up Riddhima as she was sleeping relaxed .

Five more minutes pass and Vansh feels like he has to wake her up .

Vansh slowly taps her cheek .

Vansh : Riddhu papa .

Now wake up .

Riddhima :( sleepy) No , Naah .

Vansh : After the marriage , Sleep all you want .

For now , Get up .

Riddhima : Hmmm.

Riddhima responds and Sleeps again .

Vansh : ( Sarcastically ) Riddhu papa , All our relatives are waiting .

If you keep sleeping like this , Whom  should  I marry ?

The pillar in the temple ?

As vansh was making a serious conversation with her to tame Riddhima to wake up , He hears his Grand Mother's  (Ammamma) Voice .

Amrita :( Furiously ) Yes , All the relatives are Home to attend your wedding  .

Uff ,  You people are here with each other .

Riansh FF : Bepahanna Ishq Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin