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Clarisse's Pov:

Percy was gone. I had Leo back to normal, didn't take too long. We both sneaked out at watched as Annabeth was kissing Percy on the floor. He seemed to not enjoy it, but also not being able to get her off. I was about to go out and take her off him, when she broke off the kiss, smiled and giggled, looking at the dazed Percy. Poor Percy,

"Wanna go to the Aphrodite cabin?" She asked, Percy was obviously still dazed, he nodded. I motioned to Leo to follow them. We both went after them. Leo placed a camera at the cabin, so we saw the inside. We went back to our camping sight and watched the screen.

"Thanks Piper for the hack, kissing him was one way I got him here." Annabeth smirked,

"Percy, kiss her." After a few seconds of a confused face from Percy, he grabbed Annabeth by the waist and Annabeth smashed her lips into his. Annabeth was touching him flirtatiously. I felt jealousy, a little anyways.

"Good." Piper said. She smirked,

"Put the perfume and lipstick on, Annabeth. The special ones." Annabeth ran off.

"What will those do?" Percy asked. I tapped Leo to get his attention. He looked into the screen,

"Oh. The perfume will make you more at ease. Less not wanting to do it. The lipstick? After about 1 or 2 weeks of kissing her countless hours a day, your eyes will turn a unrealistic color. Most likely purple or pink. But it could also be a blueish purple -- well, you get the idea. You will forget who Annabeth was. You will think of females as objects, something you can use. You will love and obey me once the color of your eyes changes. The lipstick will do that. You will love and do anything for Annabeth. After the 2 weeks, Annabeth will truly love you too. But, I'll make sure you love both me and Annabeth. You will kiss Annabeth because I'll make you. It's like kissing her, but worse. I'll make sure you will know what you're doing, then I'll make sure you have the desire to do it. Soon, you'll be doing it without the lipstick. That'll be in 2 months though." Annabeth ran in, I could tell Percy was a little dazed from whatever the smell was. Percy was looking at her lips which were obviously colored by lipstick. Annabeth was wearing a lot of makeup. Piper smiled,

"Even now you're attracted to her lips." She smirked, "Kiss, and don't stop." Annabeth smiled brightly. Percy really struggled against her charm speak. Maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to not get charms speaked. But Annabeth just smiled more at his struggles for control. Eventually he grabbed her waist, but only looked into her eyes lovingly, he was fighting. Good. Keep doing it Percy. After a minute or so, Annabeth smashed her lips into his, he didn't, couldn't pull away. Then I heard moans, breaths and giggles. Annabeth soon was taking Percy's shirt off. Annabeth was rubbing her tummy into his now, naked, muscly body. I saw Piper smirking, smiling and chuckling quietly to herself.

"Do the same." Piper said to him. His eyes glazed over. He pulled her shirt off, while she was giggling. She was in at sports bra. They sat down, kissing, Annabeth was totally rubbing her body into him. Once she did it so hard that it knocked Percy's breath out. I saw him breath out forcefully. She smiled, did something which I couldn't see, but it made Percy moan softly. Soon they were on the floor. Percy was on top of Annabeth. Laying on her, in a very man-using way. They were both giggling and moaning through their passionate kissing. Annabeth kept rubbing her body into his, Percy's hand went from her face to the floor. He started kissing, slightly biting her neck. She was moaning a lot. Piper laughed,

"Stop." He obviously regained control, "see Percy, this is what you're missing. My turn! Annabeth, bring me the lipstick." She ran off, Percy looked at Piper horrified. He put the shirt on and started running, still a little dazed.

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