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Leo's pov:

OK. So maybe Thalia's idea wasn't the best. But I knew. I just knew I had to do something.

"Nico?" I asked,

"Mm?" He hummed in response,

"I'll go, you stay. Then--then she won't expect you to do anything on your own. I'll go cause a distraction, and you go get the gods. M'kay?" I asked, he nodded reluctantly. I heard footsteps.

"Go!" I whispered, and stood up. Nico ran off, just in time to see Piper and her 'gang' come out.

"Well, hello, Leo. Tell us everything you and Nico planned." Piper said, as she smirked. I tried fighting it, but I couldn't.

"Nico went to inform the gods of the situation and seek help." I answered,

"Thank you." Piper said, apparently, not angry at all, "now, why don't we try out...a new creation of mine? On him. First time." Everyone in her gang, the seven (except me), Reyna, Thalia and a few others nodded.

She took out a knife,

"This might hurt," she said, adding a little bit of a...pinkish, creamy thing on the knife. I tried to run away, but Percy and Frank held me down, as Annabeth held my arm down, while Hazel and Thalia held my feet down. Piper grabbed the knife again and cut my arm, deep. It was painful, it hurt like Tartarus -- which is saying a lot, 'cause Percy, Nico and Annabeth were never the same after it. I screamed in pain.

Then I blacked out.

Nico's pov:

I ran off. Just in time. Piper and her gang came right when I escaped. I was near the borders when I saw Genesis walking up to me. Oh, no. Was my first thought. But she just smirked,

"Should have never left your friend." She said as she threw some blood-red, glittery dust in my face. I tried wiping it off, but it seemed to not be there. Genesis smirked and walked off. Then I heard a loud scream of agony, I turned around, I knew that voice. It was Leo. I started running out of camp. No one followed. I felt myself go dizzy and voices rang in my head. I went to the man with the key, once I reached the empire building.

"600th floor key. Now." I gasped for breath. The man looked at me shocked, and gave me the key right away.

Soon I arrived to Olympus. I barged into the council room, where all the gods were.

"Help. Camp. Piper." I managed to say, hoping they could connect the dots. All of them looked at me. The last thing I saw was Hades, my dad, shrinking to human size and running to me, shouting "Nico!". Then everything went black.

Hades' pov:

"No one is using Iris Messages, praying or anything right now, we need to know what's up. Aphrodite and Hermes are gone too!" Zeus stated in anger. I was about to say something, when my son barged in, gasping, looking even paler than he usually is,

"Help. Camp. Piper." He gasped out, as he began falling to the floor. I ran to him, shrinking to human size.

"Nico!" I shouted, I got there just in time to catch him.

"We need to go to camp. Now." I stated, the rest agreed. We all flashed to the front of Camp Half Blood. Everything looked so...dead. Lifeless. Even to me. We walked in. Athena growled, when she saw Percy making out with...Piper? That was Jason's girlfriend, right? O Annabeth, on the other hand, was making out with...Frank. That piece of Echidna poo! How dare he do that to Hazel!

Then again, Hazel was kissing Jason.

"Nice for you to join us." Said Piper, from her place of making out with Percy. Percy looked at us, he had nearly fully blood-red eyes, like most of the seven and Reyna, Thalia and Leo.

"Thalia!" Artemis screamed when she saw her kissing with Travis. She didn't even look up. The rest of camp? They were walking around emotionless.

Leo looked totally different though. He had perfectly styled hair and clothes, looking his best and kissing girl after girl. He had pink-purple eyes and his pupils were a line.

"Now...What do we do with you?" Piper said, smirking as Hermes and Aphrodite came out of her cabin. Both had pink eyes.

I guess Percy was right about Piper being evil. We just didn't see it, I can't believe we turned him into a her.

Suddenly, Nico's eyes opened. His pupil was basically a line. 

"Who are you?" He asked, just as Piper smirked.

Thanks for reading!

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