2. Wedding/Walter is Pregnant

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The doctor arrived and checked on Walter in private. Lance as was worried outside

The doctor came came out

Lance: Is my boyfriend okay?

The doctor placed one hand in lance's shoulder

-: Congratulations, you're going to be a father.

Lance: What?

-: Look at yourself

Lance to see Walter with a pretty white dress, golden headband and a vail He's holding a pregnancy test.

Walter: Hey Lance...

Lance hugged Walter tight

Lance: I'm so happy.

Walter: You are?

Lance: Yeah I've been thinking about having kids some but didn't think you could actually get pregnant.

Walter smiled and they kissed

The guest were already inside, the limousine arrived

Marcy held Walter's arm and they entered the church. the music started playing and guest stood up. Marcy walked with Walter down the aisle.

Lance felt relief smiled. He held Walter's hand and Marcy went to her place with Lilia.

-: Lance Sterling, do you take Walter Beckett to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Lance: I do.

-: Walter Beckett, do you take Lance Sterling to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Walter: I do.

-: I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss.

Lance and Walter kiss and everyone cheered. at the reception, Lance and Walter were dancing.

Lance x Walter Family LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ