Chapter 13

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It's been about a month since Louis and Harry came out to the world. After a while it all finally calmed down but the girls still get photos taken of them when they are out in public.
Harry is about to leave for tour and Louis has to figure out his school play. "Dad how long are you going to be gone this time?" The girls ask knowing how long he was gone last time.
"Oh not to long I'm going to start of in Australia and then make my way to South America before ending here."  The girls look upset at this news
"Hey it won't be that long I'll be back before you know it" they just nod and Harry sighs. "How about we have a movie night before I leave it will be a wonderful night we will order some food and everything"
    The girls nod thier heads and start chatting up what to do
Just as Harry suggest they go to the store to get some snacks there is a knock at the door . Harry sighs "I'll get it you girls stay here" they just nod Harry opens the door and is surprised to see jay his mother In law Louis mother at the door "jay come on in" "why thank you Harry now where are my grand babies and my son"
Harry just laughs "Louis and James went to get James some big boy underwear and I quote James said he wanted 'paw patrol'" Harry and jay just laugh before the door opens
    "Grammy James yells before tuning to jay" well hello darling" Louie just sighs as he gets into the house "hey mom" jay is suddenly being dragged out of the room by James.
        Jay stayed the afternoon before she had to go back home with her other kids. They had a little pizza and movie night before Harry has to leave in the morning.
        When Harry wakes up in the morning he finds James asleep in between him and Louis and Louis has his arm around James and his head on tops of his.   Harry just smiles before he hears a knock at the door "come in"he calls quietly
   Rose enters the room with a pep in her step "good morning dad" Harry sits up and puts a finger to his lips and motion towards James and Louis
Rose looks at them and then she smirks which Harry knows is not a good thing "who wants Mickey Mouse pancakes"she yells Harry just sighs and picks up a now crying James. Louis sighs
"Rose go to your room your grounded no tv or electronics" Louis mumbles into the pillow still half asleep she just huffs and walks out of the room
Harry finally is able to calm James down and just sing him  I want to write you a song. James eventually falls back asleep.
Harry gets up and finishes packing and then goes to each of the girls room. And says goodbye then he heads back to his and Louis room and holds zayn and says goodbye to Louis.
He goes and leaves the house and cries as he goes to start his world tour.
Ahhhh  it's been so long but I'm going to start uploading more because I want to finish all my stories up also thanks for 1k reads lots of love 💕

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