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Bella had been in an accident and Charlie needed to get there as soon as possible. That's what Tango heard on the phone. Her human had dropped her off at the Black's residence after he bought a last minute plane ticket to go and make sure his daughter was okay. Even if she said some harsh things (which Charlie didn't know if she meant them or not) he was her father and he would do his best to make sure she was happy.

Tango had a kiss on the forehead before her human was gone. She knew he'd come back though, so she wasn't worried.

The dog absolutely loved the reservation, it had so many earthy smells and smelt like dog almost permanently. Billy and Jacob lived in a bungalow, especially accessible for wheelchair life which made it perfect. It also had a huge field behind it.

Jacob had been handed a bag of dog supplies and her bed which she knew she wouldn't need. "C'mon Tango, let's get inside."

The German Shepherd followed Jacob inside where Billy was sat at the table. Immediately she trotted over to him for a hug or a pet, whichever, Tango wasn't picky. Whilst Billy brushed her ears back, Jacob put her bowls on the floor and put her bed by the front door with her leash.

"You gonna take her on a walk?" Billy asked his son who came back into the room.

Jacob shrugged, "Do you want me to?"

Billy nodded petting Tango, "think so. It'd be good to get her distracted from c-h-a-r-l-i-e," he spelled out the letters so the dog didn't get all excited

"Who's this?" Quill questioned pointing to Tango who walked with Jacob at his side.

"Tango," Jacob gestured to her as she looked up, "she's the Swan's dog."

"The police dog?" Embry asked kneeling down and petting the German Shepherd who's tail wagged at all the attention. Jacob nodded at his question. "Awesome, do you think she could find us some weed?" The boys broke out in laughter at Embry's question, all shoving each other jokingly.


The three boys took turns in holding her lead as they walked in the forest, when they came back they all chilled in the garden, Tango bouncing in the puddles of water that had built up from the rain of the past few days.

"Boys!" The three teenagers turned to face Billy and Harry, who were about to get in the pickup truck, "that dog doesn't go in the house covered in mud, understand?" They all shouted back various 'yeahs' and the two tribe members were off. Tango tired herself out and came to lay beside Jacob as they all joked around.

Tango spent about five days with the Black's, during which she went on many walks along the beach and enjoyed swimming in the ocean. Jacob wasn't so grateful that every time Tango saw the ocean she insisted on jumping in, not listening long enough for Jacob to tell her no. Billy always made Jacob hose her down at the end of the day since usually she'd be covered in mud and salt.

Bath time was a fun time for Tango.

After a bath, she was always dried off with a towel and Jacob who had budding muscle on him carried her inside, and they watched TV before going to bed. It was so much fun! Yet, Tango missed Charlie and Bella, especially Charlie. Some could say she had separation anxiety since usually they spent no more than an hour apart at a time.

Charlie and Bella had actually only been away for three days before she was allowed to come home, but whilst they adjusted to Bella having a broken leg and just being careful, they felt that taking care of a dog (no matter how well behaved) seemed like too much stress.

During the day when Jacob went to school, Tango would spend time with Billy and his friends. Usually they just came to Billy's but one day they went to Sam Uley's where Tango met many more people. The dog absolutely loved it there, didn't know why just did. Of course all the people she visited understood why the dog seemed so happy with them, because spiritually they were the same.

Someone they didn't expect to love the dog so much surprised them, Paul had quickly become a huge softie when it came to the dog. Visiting most days whilst Jacob was at school, he volunteered to walk her and had quickly become one of Tango's favourite people.

It was the end of the day when Charlie came to pick her up. Tango was napping on the sofa when the car pulled up, so tired however the dog didn't even check. Billy wheeled himself to the door and greeted Charlie with a friendly handshake. The chief of police had called earlier so all Tango's dog stuff was in a bag by the door, Charlie decided to load that up before alerting the tired Tango to his presence.

The man had decided to pick her up now since Bella was at prom and frankly, he missed his best friend.

Once Charlie came into the living room, Tango lazily picked up her head, brown eyes widening the dog hopped off the couch like a rocket and into Charlie's arms. The man scooped the big dog into his arms where she attacked him with kisses, eventually wiggling enough that Charlie had to put her down. A dog's love for their human was like no other. Tango continued to sniff him all over as he said goodbye to Billy.

"Let's go home," Charlie smiled opening the door for Tango who immediately jumped in. The dog shoved her head between the two front seats as Charlie drove, occasionally she would like his cheek which he didn't even bother to wipe off since it happened often. Charlie glanced at Tango before speaking, "If you were wondering Bella's back at home. Got a broken leg and a few scratched but other than that she's okay for now, asked where you were and I said you were on a well deserved vacation."

Tango barked in response as she did often when Charlie spoke to her. Once home, Tango went up to Charlie's bed where she immediately dozed off, it had been a good day.

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