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Bella was missing for three days before she returned home.

Well, Charlie couldn't really call it missing since she left a not and left of her own volition. However seeing his passed out daughter in Edward Cullen's arms at nearly 3AM was no joy, Tango had shot up from the bed barking all the way down the stairs until she reached the front door where Edward stood with Bella under the porch light.

There was a lot of yelling and barking to say the least.

But it had cooled down over a few days, Tango had just finished her dinner when Charlie headed upstairs, of course being a nosy dog that never allowed privacy she followed.

Her human opened the door to Bella's room and leant against the frame, "Hey, you okay?" He asked his still awake daughter.

"I'm fine." And for the first time in a long while, she meant it. All was good in Bella's world now, she had Edward back and really that was all that mattered to her. "Dad, you don't have to worry."

"You know, last time you said that, you took off. I didn't see you for three days." Charlie deadpanned, never had he imagined this when he had baby Bella in his arms. Running off for some boy for days at a time, leaving a few sentences to explain, it was making him go grey.

The girl had the decency to look sorry about it, "I'm really sorry, Dad."

"Bella, do not ever do that to me again. Ever." Charlie's voice cracked slightly and Tango pushed her way to stand between his legs like they did in training, she tilted her head at Bella. "And you're grounded for the rest of your life."


"I mean it," Charlie pointed to Tango who stood between his legs, "consider Tango your personal bodyguard and if Edward so much as sets a foot in this house so help me god, he will not be able to run away fast enough."

Charlie sighed but nodded to himself at the parenting. He took a step backwards and closed the door, looking down at Tango who had walked back with him he stroked her snout, "What are we gonna do about her, huh?"

The dog let out a small yip and Charlie snorted at the ridiculousness of it all. The German Shepherd was looking particularly matted so he grabbed the fur brushes from Tango's basket in the living room and sat on the sofa. Whistling Tango came and stood in front of her human, Charlie picked up a leg at a time brushing out her fur which had grown back since her haircut.

No matter how many times he brushed her, he still had to marvel at the amount of fur which came off her body. The chief of police did this probably 2-3 times a week and new that it would only get worse as they headed into summer. That's when Tango would shed her winter coat, even if it happened every year he was never prepared for finding dog hairs in his coffee.

Charlie and Tango both didn't know however that as soon as they'd left Bella's room Edward had swooped in. Bella wasn't in the house anymore, instead at the Cullen's where they voted on her immortality, much to Edward's displeasure.

The worst part was that during the voting, no one even brought up the family Bella would leave behind.

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