Chapter 4-Synchronized Reminiscing

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[7:01pm, Uptown Lungmen]

"We've arrived!" Ch'en broke out of her meaningless trance at Hoshiguma's words.

She silently undid her seatbelt and exited the car, Hoshiguma following shortly after.

Entering the building, Ch'en and Hoshiguma were hit with the strong essence of alcohol and seafood.

"Welcome!" Someone called out from round a corner before coming into view. "Ah, Officer Hoshiguma, and Madam Ch'en, what brings you here today."

"Just stopping to get some drinks." Hoshiguma replied while taking a seat at the bar. "How's business, Jaye?"

"Same as it always is." Jaye responded. "Though, pretty quiet tonight as you can tell."

"Eh, I don't think that's because of a fault with this place itself." Hoshiguma said. "There was barely any traffic on the way here."

"Just a slow night in general, then." Jaye straightened his posture. "What can I get you two?"

"Come on, Jaye, you know my usual by now." Hoshiguma replied.

"Alright, and you, Madam Ch'en?" Jaye looked at the Chief expectantly.

Ch'en didn't reply, just kept her gaze directed at the bartop.

"Madam Ch'en?" Jaye said again.

"She'll have anything that's not alcoholic." Hoshiguma answered for her.

"A water, then." Jaye began to prepare the order.

"Ch'en?" Hoshiguma gently placed her hand on Ch'en's shoulder.

Ch'en snapped back into full consciousness and turned to look at Hoshiguma.

"What?" She said in a defeated tone.

"I'm only worried about you, Ch'en." Hoshi murmured.

"Well, don't worry." Ch'en moved Hoshiguma's hand off. "I'm fine."

"How can you say that when you look like you've been awake for a week straight?" Hoshiguma asked.

"I'm a little fucking stressed right now." Ch'en snapped. "It's draining my energy. There. Happy?"

Hoshiguma sighed then turned away from Ch'en just in time for their order to be served.

"Here, for you Hoshiguma." Jaye placed her request down. "And a water for Madam Ch'en."

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