Chapter 8- Overdue Visitor (Part 1)

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[9:33am, Hui-Chieh Residence, Zhang's Perspective]

Today is one of my mother's rare days off. As a result, she's still asleep and showing no signs of waking up soon.

I sigh. She must really exhaust herself. Then again, after what she said last night, it's probably the stress that wears her out. Tch, and it's my fault for making her worry so much.

Well, I'll sort something out later, time to get today started.

I promptly get dressed and sort out a cold preliminary breakfast, before setting myself down in the living room, switching the TV on for background noise.

Last week really did affect Mum quite severely, though I'd be lying if I said I came out of it unchanged. Just sitting here, alone, makes me feel uneasy, even with the television doing it's best to act as company.

Of course, it's just paranoia, my home is probably the second safest place for me, losing only to Mum's workplace. I'll be fi-


The sound of the doorbell almost made me drop my food.

We rarely ever get visitors let alone in the morning, so I'm struggling to think who it could be.

 Whatever, I'll just answer the door anyway.

I take a deep breath and briskly open the front door.


I'm cut off by the gaze I'm shot by the person standing there.

It's a relatively tall woman with silver hair, grey eyes, horns and a tail vaguely resembling that of a Lung, but there's something...different about her.

"Hey..." She speaks in a commanding tone. "Are you Zhang Hui-Chiey?"

How does she know my name?

"Um...yes, that is me." I quietly reply.

"I see..." Her expression softens drastically and so does her tone of voice. "I-I'm happy to finally meet you!"

She bends slightly to grasp my hand.

"A-apologies... but, do I know you?" I feel incredibly awkward.

She looks at me.

"So she still hasn't told you, huh..." She mutters before standing up straight again. "Sorry about that! Let me introduce myself...I am Talulah, your half-aunt."


[Ch'en's Perspective]

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