Levi (22)

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Jasper held out his hand, and I gladly took it. He led the way to the pool, whilst rubbing my thumb. I was also extremely lucky that I still had my hoodie on because it was freezing. I questioned if Jasper was a penguin or something for a while, since the cold didn't seem to affect him. We reached the pool, which thankfully, the area was heated.

I leaned into Jas, hoping he would warm me, but he just cooled me. So I leaned back.

"Finally, you're here," Luke greeted.

"Yes, last time I checked I wasn't a hologram," I replied with an eye roll.

"Come on, get in with me," Jasper said, jumping into the pool. It looked really pretty with the LED lights coloring it, which were currently a neon purple and blue. There's a slide, which I noticed Zander and Kieran heavily enjoyed.

I don't want to take my shirt off. Yet, I (reluctantly) did anyway.

I looked up to see both Andrew and Jasper checking me out, making me blush. Once Jas saw that Andrew was though, he lightly punched him in the arm, while muttering something into Andy's ear, resulting in him smirking.

"How the hell are you insecure when you're easily much more built than any of us?" Jasper said.

"Well, I wouldn't say that. But yes, I will get in now," I assured. I carefully stepped my way over to the slide, since the ground was wet so I could slip. Wouldn't be the first time. Climbing the steps to the top, I looked down, making sure there wasn't too much water on those either. Eventually, I did make it, and I jumped on top and slid down, just to be met with freezing water. "Why did I do that? This thing is almost as cold as outside," I complained, muttering a string of curses under my breath.

"Just do what we do and chill in the hot tub. The pool does get more enjoyable the longer you're in it though," Kier said in a raised voice from the, you guessed it, hot tub. I must say, I wasn't to mad about there being shirtless guys surrounding me. Jasper still has the best body. I laughed quietly after I thought that.

Speaking of the devil, without me noticing, Jas came up to me, and hugged me from behind, picking me off of the floor of the pool. He kissed my temple, pulling me closer to him. I happily wrapped my arms around his torso, burying my face in it. He rested his head on mine, which is something he likes to do, I've observed.

I heard Luke say, "Cut it with the PDA. Your brother and best friend is right here, y'know."

We both replied, "We know."

"Ugh." The two of us giggled.

We finished swimming around 3:00am, yet somehow, none of us were tired. We were in Luke's room, with me and Jasper cuddling on his bean bag chair. Andy and Demitri were with Luke on his bed, and Kieran and Z were literally hanging from the ceiling. I wish I was kidding. But, when you have people like them and a pull-up bar in your room, you know they're going to take advantage of it.

"So, Levi, where's your room?" Andy asked.

"Why?" I replied.


"Okay. I'm just trying to make sure you weren't going to sneak in there while I was sleeping and murder me. It's right next to this one, down the hall."

He nodded. "Can I see it?"

"Oh. Um, yeah. Sure. Come on," I said getting up. I saw Jasper follow, along with...everybody else. I guess they're all curious. "Here it is."

"Wow. You have much better taste than your brother," Mitri said, looking around.

"Hey!" Luke exclaimed.

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