Levi (25)

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We were on our way to the gym of Claremont Middle School, when Luke remembered he left his requirements sheet at home. I rolled my eyes, and turned around.

Oscar and Isobel left yesterday. Luke's new friends kept texting him the entire time, so of course we all made fun of him. We also learned that Luke may not be as straight as he thought he was. I was secretly hoping he would end up with one of the non-binaries, since I like diversity. Then again, it was entertaining enough watching by brother have his sexual awakening.

"Got it," Luke said, climbing into the passenger seat again.

"We're going to be late because of you," I chided.

"Sorry, mom."

I rolled my eyes, again. Luke says I do that too much. I, on the other hand, don't care. "Shut up." Eventually, we did arrive at the gym to help decorate for whatever winter dance they were having. We walked in, only to find everybody else already in there. "Told you we would be late."

"Yay, Levi!" Jasper exclaimed, running over to me. He hugged me, and kissed my temple.

"Ew," I heard a feminine voice say. I turned to find a teenaged girl, who looked a lot like Jasper, standing there with her arms cross. There was another teen next to her.

"I know, seeing your brother in a relationship is truly traumatizing. Levi, that's my little sister, Reese. Next to her, is her best friend Nut, who is Demitri's younger sibling," Jasper said.

"Oh. Nice to meet you guys," I greeted.

"Mhm," Reese said, turning away.

Shaking his head, Jasper apologized, "Sorry about her, she finds all affection outside of anime disgusting."

"It's no problem," I assured.

"Okay, so, we will have the two of them to help for about an hour, but after that Mitri is taking them to some birthday party. Andrew said that his older brother Henry would try to make it. I guess we should get started?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah. So, I know for a fact that we need to blow up balloons. I saw it on the list."

"Well, let's get some balloons," Jasper said, walking over to a table with supplies on it. "Hey Luke, how many balloons do we need?" He yelled.

"Um...125 air, they fall from a net attached to the ceiling onto the dancers at the end of the night. And, 100 total helium that should be tied to every other chair...WAIT WHAT?!" Luke exclaimed.

"We need to blow up 225 balloons?!" Andy screeched.

"And, get tables and chairs from the basement, there's a note that says exactly which ones to use, and not to carry them alone because they're heavy..." Luke said gingerly.

"Oh for fuck's sake, really?" I yelled.

"Apparently, we need to hang garlands on the balcony in the back of the gym, too."

"So, let me get this straight: we need to make our lungs die by doing more than one thing, like blowing up hundreds of balloons and carrying large tables up the stairs. Also, we have to do all of this in the school which is somehow scorching hot in the middle of winter. Greeeeeeat," Demitri said.

"Yup," Jasper replied, popping the p.

Tilting his head back, Andy muttered, "Lovely. Just, lovely. I can see why more people chose not to do this one. I really hope Henry can make it."

"We should probably get started, because the sooner we start the sooner we're done," Nut advised.

All of us agreed, and began working. I was one of the unfortunates that was asked to go get tables and chairs. Luckily, Jasper, Andy, and his brother Henry were with me, so I had some pretty sites while I was working. Jasper said that Henry was attractive, but he didn't say he was gorgeous. We may or may not have checked him out the entire time. Guilty pleasures, right?

Eventually, we got everything upstairs, and we immediately had to set them up. There was a diagram that we were supposed to follow, and all the chairs and snowflake decorations were to be evenly spaced. We basically said screw it to the evenly spaced part. I must say, having athletes help move things certainly pays off, because of their determination to just get shit done. Henry, I learned, also did basketball, so we were done with moving things in about one and a half hours.

After, they sent me and Jasper on garland duty, but really we were making out half the time. One of the times I moaned though, and everybody heard it and were completely disgusted, so they yelled at us. Later, we stopped, and started actually working. Seeing Reese and Luke's faces made up for it, though. They're probably traumatized from that.

Four hours afterwards, we finished. We lost Nut and Reese (Me and Jasper agreed it was pretty ironic that's what their names are considering there's nuts in Reese's candies), a little more than an hour in, but Henry stayed. I actually saw Luke checking Henry out also, so we weren't alone on that front.

Me and Luke went home, and Jasper followed us. Once we got back, Luke explained his sexual awakening, which Jasper was thrilled about. We both secretly think he's pansexual or omnisexual.

"Hey, um, would it weird you guys out if I invited Oak and Sage over? I'm talking to them right now," Luke asked.

"Please do, those guys sound hot as fuck," Jasper begged. I chuckled, and said it was fine.

Trying to hold back a laugh, Luke said, "Okay. I'll ask." And a few seconds later announced they would be here soon. He sprinted upstairs, for whatever reason. Meanwhile, me and Jasper, you guessed it, made out. Only for a bit, though. We knew Luke would be coming down soon. Well, he did. Thankfully, we were done by then.

What we discovered was that Luke went upstairs to get changed, even though he got changed when he got back from decorating also. Though, he was in sweatpants and an oversized tee shirt earlier. He looked much nicer now. He changed into a bomber style jacket and ripped jeans. We pointed out he looked like he was going on a date. He ignored us.

Around five minutes later, the doorbell rang. "Your boyfriends are here. I'll get it," I said, getting up from the couch. I ran over to the door and opened it. Well, Luke was right when he said they were hot. "Hey. I'm Levi, Luke's brother. Come on in."

"Hi, you're in one of my classes. AP history, right?" Sage asked.

"Yep. Nice to meet you," I said with a smile. I then directed my attention to Oakley. "I like your outfit. Glad to know I'm not the only one who wears glasses."

Laughing, Oak replied, "No, you are not. And thank you."

"Luke's over here, along with my...person I'm dating. I hope Luke told you he would be here," I said, leading the way to the living room.

"He did, yeah. It's all good," Oak said in a sing-song voice.

"Hey, guys," Luke greeted.

"Hi, how are you? How'd you do on the English work over break?" Sage asked.

"I think I did okay on it," Luke said with a shrug.

"Good job, ragazzo d'oro." (A/N: I'm going to use that a lot, it means golden boy :P )

"Thanks. Um, want to go to my room?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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