《C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S I X》

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Kieran's POV

Thanksgiving was in two days and we were leaving for Switzerland tomorrow. Kiara and I had just returned from work and we sitting at the dining room table listening to Daniel complaining about how he was going to be the only single one at Thanksgiving in Switzerland. Kiara was drinking her wine and she was just listening to him whine, I hadn't heard a word he said since he started complaining he had been doing it since Kiara had invited him.

Kiara pretended to bang her head into the table and then she cut off Daniel said, 'What do you want Daniel, do you want me to uninvite you?'

He shook his head no and she said, 'What do you want then?'

Daniel obviously wasn't expecting to be asked what he wanted because now he was stuck with nothing to say. She cocked an eyebrow at him and he just sat there conpletely still. She shook her head in disbelief and she took her wine glass to the kitchen. She came back and sat on my lap and Daniel was now talking about not wanting to go back to school which was coming up.

Kiara and I had been practically living together since she got back from London. The first few nights she would insist on going back home but I would convince her to stay and now she was just staying here with no questions. I had closet space and a make up station made for her in one of the guest rooms. Her stylists were bringing her clothes here and Arthur was picking her up from here for work.

We were basically living together now, she just had her own house. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night and Kiara wouldn't be in the bed then I would go to my office and I'd find her working. Daniel really liked her and always made sure to tell me that he approved heavily of her as my girlfriend.

I felt her playing with the hair on the back of my head, I looked at her and she said, 'Hey, what are you thinking?'

I just shrugged and gave her a smile and she stood up and said, 'We should go to bed baby.'

I stood up too and we made our way up to the bedroom. We were already in our pyjamas and we slid into bed. A thing we often did in bed before sleeping was we would lay in the bed and just share. She had her head on my stomach and I cleared my throat and I said, 'Kiara?'

She hummed and I said, 'I wanted to apologise for what I said before you left for London. I was angry and defensive for some reason and I know you had my best interest at heart like you always do.'

She was quiet for a bit and I was anxious. Ever since Kiara had left my house that night I had been thinking about what I said and I regretted it. In a twisted way I wanted to hurt her so she wouldn't help me or give me advice but she made sure I heard it even after I hurt her feelings. She put her hand on my arm and she said, 'It's all over, I'm just happy you took my advice. You already look happier.'

I looked at her face and she had her eyes shut and I said, 'I tried to intentionally hurt your feelings so you wouldn't give me advice because I knew you were right.'

She chuckled and she said, 'I know Kieran but you met your match.'

I smiled as I stared at the ceiling because she was correct. In this moment right now I knew I was in love with Kiara Dempsey, she really made me a better person and she made me happy. She looked out for me always, she makes me laugh and she is such a badass. She is the love of my life.

I am seriously considering telling Kiara right here in this moment but I held back. I put my arm on top of her torso and I just sighed and I said, 'You're beyond perfect Kiara.'

I looked at her face and she was smiling. Her phone started ringing and she groaned. She sat up and she was holding the hand that I had on her torso. She answered and her eyes widened and she said, 'Noah, you aren't joking are you?'

《C A L L  I T  D E S T I N Y》Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora