《C H A P T E R N I N E》

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Kieran's POV

We arrived at my house and Kiara said ,'Is this your house?'

I cleared my throat because I had just stared at Kiara for a long time and I was about to drool. I answered and said ,'Uhm yes.'

She smiled and I could tell she was about to laugh and she said ,'You seem unsure, are you sure?'

I couldn't help but smile and I just shook my head and stepped out of the car. Kiara stepped out of her car door that the driver opened for her. I went round to her and took her hand, something I've learnt about myself I like holding hands, it's cheesy I know but I do. She smiled and said ,'Your home is gorgeous, wow.'

I could feel a smile growing which was weird, I never felt the urge to smile except when I've been with Kiara. Kiara had even managed to get me angry when she just simply cut our conversation short. I was thinking about her all the time, just today I had rushed all my meetings in Houston to try and be at the gala in time to congradulate her, I ended up being late but I guess in a way I was in the right place at the right time.

I arrived at the gala a bit late and I was walking from my car going to the ballroom where the gala was happening when I saw her running and looking around frantically. She was being called by the guy who she was with on the business channel this morning when I found out about her new position being the reason for the gala she had invited me to. I started walking through the cars so I could catch her when she runs past me. When I caught her and very much to my dismay she broke down crying. As eager as I was to know who and what had upset her I decided to make sure to cheer her up first. My plan was to try and get her out of the continent away from whatever upset her so she can relax. I wanted to take her to Dubai because Dubai is where I go to relax and it's a hub so if something comes up it should be easy to go anywhere it seemed like a reasonable destination.

I had texted my pilot and he had my private jet ready on my airstrip at my house for us to leave but I had to convince her first. We walked into the lounge and she plopped onto one of the couches. I went and squatted in front of her and said ,'So I want to make you feel better but I need you to trust me.'

She narrowed her eyes at me and I said ,'I also need you to take a few days off from work.'

She shook her head and said ,'I can't Kieran, I just got the position I need to start working on Monday at 8 in the morning.'

I nodded because she was right and said ,'I can make that work but we'll be tired when we get back.'

She shook her head no and I said ,'Okay we are done arguing let's go.'

I heard her sigh and she said ,'Can I have clothes this dress is expensive and I kind of don't want to be in it anynore. '

I gave her a small smile and said ,'Okay give me a second.'

I know I just smiled but on the inside I was jumping in joy. I ran into my room and got her one of my black hoodies and a pair of my swim shorts for her to wear. I changed into a black hoodie as well with a pair of black swim shorts. I decided to leave my laptop, iPad and work behind, I was going to cheer Kiara up this weekend they would be fine without me, I'm always at work I deserve a break.

I ran downstairs in my slides with an extra pair of slides for her. I got to the lounge and handed her the clothes and I said ,'Since you are taking one pair of clothes I decided I might as well do the same.'

She gave me a bright smile and I said ,'There is the bright and beautiful smile I wanted to see. '

She looked down shyly and I smiled softly and said ,'You should change so we can get going.'

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