《C H A P T E R S I X》

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Kiara's POV

We arrived in Brooklyn and he parked his car and he turned to me and said ,'It's a Mexican Restaurant I first visited when I was almost eleven years old. It's a hidden gem type of place and I thought you've probably eaten at all the places in Manhattan .'

I nodded and he jumped out and came round open my car door before I could do it myself. He put out a hand and I took it and he led me in the direction towards the entrance of the restaurant.

We walked into the restaurant and I saw an elderly woman barrelling towards us speaking in Spanish saying ,'Kieran mi chico estoy tan feliz de verte.' (Kieran my boy I'm so happy to see you. )

She got to us and started pinching Kieran's cheeks hard. I couldn't help the smile that grew on my lips seeing Kieran being smothered by this woman and it was clear he was enjoying it as well. He held her hands and said ,'Tía Adele, es bueno verte también.' (Aunt Adele it's good to see you too.)

Her eyes moved to me next to Kieran and said ,'Mi mi mi que hermosa chica.' (My my my what a beautiful girl.'

I didn't understand a word she had just said but before I could say anything she was shouting, 'George, Kieran trajo una niña y ella es hermosa.' (George, Kieran brought a girl and she is beautiful)

Kieran put his hands up and said ,'You guys are way too loud.'

There was a man standing behind the Italian woman and I was guessing he was George. Kieran put his hands on my shoulders affectionately and said ,'Aunt, Uncle this is Kiara.'

They nodded and I went for a handshake only to be pulled in for a double bear hug. They pulled away and with a heavy Spanish accent his Aunt said ,'No darling we hug in this family.'

I smiled at their warmth and they started describing to me how Kieran never brought girls anywhere ever. All I was getting from Kieran was groans. We were sitting and I was still hearing stories of Kieran dodging girls and even going to the extent of sleeping at their house to avoid girls. Kieran shook his head and said ,'Don't you have food to be cooking?'

That comment earned him an elbow jab in his arm from me and a slap with a dish towel from his aunt. I giggled and that earned me a look from Kieran which made me pretend I hadn't laughed and looked at the menu.

I looked at Kieran's aunt and said ,'Uhm what do you recommend?'

She gave me a warm smile and said ,'Call me Aunt Adele sweetheart.'

I smiled back gratefully because I didn't know her surname and I did not want to assume. She hummed and said ,'Well how hungry are you?'

I sighed and said ,'Starving.'

She laughed at my action and said ,'You'll love love love my cheesy beef quesadillas . I know it's a basic meal but it's amazing and I make the best.'

I smiled and said ,'Wow, now I'm super excited and anxious. '

She squeezed my shoulder and said ,'Just give me a fifteen minutes. Kieran are you having your usual.'

Kieran nodded and said ,'Yes please Aunt.'

She smiled and said ,'You kids just give me a few minutes and I'll be here with your meals.'

She walked away and I leaned back into my booth. I looked up at Kieran and he was already looking at me. I took a sip of some of the wine he had poured for me and he said ,'You cut our conversation short this morning.'

I didn't look up from the glass and I said ,' I could have sworn we were done.'

He lifted my chin to look at him and he said ,'We weren't.'

《C A L L  I T  D E S T I N Y》Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ