《C H A P T E R F I V E》

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Kiara's POV

Today I was very much irritable I want to act like it's just a bad day but I know the reason for my irritation was because I was waiting for a call from a certain someone. I have no idea why it was bothering me so much but it was.

Today was our meeting with Marcello about the 'merger'. Marcello was going to come get me and we were all going to go for the meeting in one of the conference rooms 'we' being Lawrence who was John's brother and our lawyer, John, Laura and I. Laura had started on Monday and the work she had done and the meetings she had were all positive results from clients people loved her and she loved it here. We had spent the week going out for lunch as the trio the whole week and I was enjoying being and working with both my best friends. We were working in the conference room a lot we would just sit and do our different designing and work.

Nora had a new boyfriend so she wasn't able to come to lunch with us. Her and her new boyfriend were cute but he didn't have the seal of approval yet.

Kiara's outfit for her working day

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Kiara's outfit for her working day

I walked into the building and I was greeting all the people, greeting me. The people in the building feared Marcello already and he had been here for almost three days but at the same time they had feared my dad too so maybe it was a tactic they had discussed.

I was using my iPad on the elevator designing a tree house for a family that had children. I had a meeting with the children yesterday and they had alot of ideas and after about an hour of arguing they decided what they wanted. I was quite excited because it was going to be a good treehouse, I just had so many ideas floating around my head. I was using the thought process of what woukd I have wanted at that age and what the children had said they wanted.

I walked out of the elevator and continued drawing. I heard Nora said ,'Morning Keeks.'

I smiled and without looking up Nora said ,'Morning Nora, I can literally sense the after sex vibes from here.'

She laughed and said ,'How?'

I looked at her and said ,'You just sound way too happy. You practically sung your morning and you don't sing.'

She laughed and I said ,'I need details.'

She sat back into her chair behind her desk and said ,'He is so dreamy Keeks.'

I smiled and she continued and said ,'I think he might be the best I've ever had.'

I gasped and said ,'No ways really. Better than Keith?'

She nodded and said ,'He is like the best and noone is even a close second. Now cue my internal panic.'

I gaped in shock and said ,'Why are you panicking you said he's so dreamy?'

She ringed her hands and said ,'That's exactly why Keeks. What if I'm dickmatized.'

I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled out of me and I said ,'Dickmatized?'

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