《C H A P T E R F O R T Y - O N E》

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Kiara's POV

It's been two and a half months since we made the official decision to adopt Andres, build us a home just since we made major decisions. We had been put on the fast track with the entire adoption process because of all of Kieran's connections and the amount of respect he has in Spain from all high ranking country officials. Andres had been living with us for the past week and we were getting the rhythm of things.

Baby Andres is not fussy at all except when Kieran and I leave him. Sometimes he wakes up and we aren't in his vicinity and he starts to cry till he sees us. He hasn't slept in his baby room yet he just sleeps with us in the bed. Mrs de Leon had explained to us that he is probably extra aware because he had been abandoned.

I was so happy and nothing made me smile harder than when Andres would just laugh and laugh so much. As a baby he has been through so much but we have made sure he has a strong support structure around him. Everyone at the manor is completely obsessed with Andres, there was a new buzz all around.

Sometimes I stand at the door and watch Kieran talking and mixing it with babbling when he is changing Andres diaper. I work and have business meetings with him in the office, playing around in the play section that had been added to my office. His dad had added one to his office too for when he is hanging out with Andres.

I was enjoying having Andres as part of our little family. Andres didn't sleep at night so I was awake when he is awake and I had work. We had to try come up with a way to get Andres to trust us and we were doing a lot of research but I didn't mind putting in any extra effort. We had to build his trust so he knows that even when we leave we would be back and it would never be permanent.

Andres napped while I was working so I couldn't nap at that time. I was so behind in my sleeping time and it was wearing on Kieran too. Kieran fell asleep standing in the shower the other day which was hilarious and I had told him he could sleep and right now he finally was. Not only was he dealing with our family but there were massive deals happening in his business and he needed to sort them out and close them.

I had been watching the business channel to check on the Dempsey Conglomerate standing and I saw that King Industries had doubled in worth which was incredible and shocking. Kieran is with me a lot and he just won't mention anything then I look at the news and something big has happened but with the way he acts you wouldn't even think anything big is happening. Kieran is incredibly smart and it never stops shocking me how much of a hard and efficient worker he is.

I had just finished my work for the day and I was going to try get Andres to sleep while I'm sleeping. He loves attention and if I sleep he is going to be waking me up like he has been.

I sat up but I didn't remember when I had fallen asleep, I looked around our room and I couldn't see Andres anyway. He wasn't on the bed with me and he wasn't in his crib either. The curtains in our bedroom were closed giving me the idea that it was probably Kieran who had closed the curtains.

I took a quick shower and got changed so I could go downstairs where Kieran is, I'm assuming. I felt more energetic and ready for everything, I had been asleep for seven hours and it was now evening. It should be time for dinner and I was hungry now.

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