A/N and Q&A

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Heyo everyone! I'm wondering how you think of this story so far! I'll try not to leave y'all hanging there. So I'll try to balance this collection and the one with Harry Potter. I'll probably start a new one once those two are advanced enough. For those who are new to one of these series, I'll try to avoid some interlocking action in the first few books. 

Now some question and answers:

Q: How do you manage to update so regularly?

A: Just keep a straight goal in your mind, keep imagining what would happen, a touch of logic, and you're good to go.

Q: Who's your favorite character?

A: I'd say Sekibanki because she has an epic theme and she looks cool. (For a week it was the Unnamed Catfish)

Q: You haven't done certain suggestions in a long time, what's happening?

A: I've reserved certain characters for certain books, so it'll take time, but it'll come eventually.

Q: Will there be any Ocs?

A: Not at all! I just want y'all to know that I despise books with Ocs that have a good impact on it. The closest thing to an Oc will just be a random teacher or news reporter, something like that.

And that's it! Constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome! Character suggestions as well! Hpe you enjoy the next book! Seeya!

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