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August 20th, 1993

PERCY DIDN'T KNOW why, but he could be mad at the whole wide world for giving him a family full of stupid jokesters, prank masters, crazy drama queens, and he still wouldn't be able to raise his tone at Daisy.

Maybe because she wasn't related to him by blood.

Maybe because she wasn't one of those stupid jokesters and prank masters.

Because her upbringing and graceful demeanor was more of his style. Because he knew that she was a respected, smart girl who could be a good influence on his kid brothers. Because when she was around, the twins wouldn't dare changing his Head Boy pin into 'humongous butt' or 'harry botter' or 'hairy baboon'.

"Can't you clean it?" Daisy asked. She lifted the picture of Penelope Clearwater, his girlfriend, to get a better view. Penelope was hiding in the corner, weeping, because someone had left stains on her nose that made her felt ugly.

"No," Percy grumble bitterly, "I tried, to no avail. I know it's Ron. He ought to be taught a lesson or two. I shall speak with Professor McGonagall, once we return to Hogwarts. Just know, brother or not, I will certainly give them punishments in accordance to their horrible deeds."

"They are right, though," Daisy looked at him right in the eyes, "You are more detached and grumpy. You stay in your room all day. You no longer find joy in the little things we used to do together, as a family. And the way you speak... Your choice of words are starting to... turn into mine." She chuckled. "You remember, before you went to Hogwarts, you told me I speak like a medieval princess from the 1800s?"

Now he felt angry.

"That is what normal people refer to as growing up, Daisy."

"I know, you were Prefect, then you're Head Boy. And you want to work for the Ministry of Magic alongside your father."

"Yes, and now I am behaving accordingly," Percy said coldly. He was about to kick her out of his room and shut her out along with everyone in his family, but then she began running her thumb on Penelope's picture and sang softly, "Hey, Ms. Clearwater... It's okay, it's just a little smudge. I have a pimple here, too, see? You are still a very beautiful lady. I can see why Percy likes you."

So Percy just sighed and let her be.

✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿

August 31st, 1993

GEORGE WATCHED AS Fred took Daisy aside and, for five minutes and five minutes only, turned into something he usually wasn't: serious. He began retelling her his usual speech, to be safe, to notify their parents if hers decided to get all violent again.

You see, true, they were identical twins and kings of pranksters by heart. But people around them could tell that Fred was much more carefree than he was. Much more feeling. He had the most positive, chill, nonchalant vibe ever, and there were only a handful of things that could set him off.

One, problems or insults directed at Ginny or Mum. He had a higher limit when it came to his brothers or Father, so before that limit was reached, he simply laughed along.

Two, Daisy. Fred turned crazy whenever he saw new bruises or cuts on her milky skin. When he talked to her, he would turn all smooth and gooey and soft. And even when nothing was going on, he could conjure some problem to be concerned of out of thin air.

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