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snow, gala, and ball pt. 3

December 25th, 1994

"WHAT... ARE YOU doing?"

Daisy, who had lifted her hands and formed an 'X' shield in front of her face, slowly pried her shut eyes open, one by one.

Vincent pressed his lips together as his eyes formed two crescent moons, then, unable to hold it in any longer, he burst out into a huge fit of laughter. "You don't— Did you think— You think I was going to kiss you?"

Daisy's hands faltered as she cleared her throat, feeling shy, "N— No, not exactly— Didn't— I, I didn't."

"I have a secret lover in New York."

Daisy's eyes widened. "W— What?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, among other things. Listen, I have a proposition for you, Jane."

"And that is...?"

"And that is us, being best friends while pretending to see each other until I leave to Boston, with benefits listed as the following," Vincent stood up straighter and began explaining like he was in class, presenting a business proposal to an investor, "First, your father loves me. To bits."

Daisy giggled at that.

"He loves me so much, because I'm getting into Harvard, my father is his favorite business partner, my wordly riches is abundant —something I am not exactly proud of but I know and I'm sorry your father loves— the idea of you getting me on my knees would make him incredibly happy. Happy father, happy life."

He paused for dramatic effect, then lifted a finger to show number two.

"Second of all, I am a good friend. I promise you, I will be the best friend that you truly deserve and you will have an incredible time with me. Bookshops, science fairs, Caltech, chess tournament, or a ball game —anything you want to do, I will be there for you."

He lifted a third finger.

"Reason number three, you mentioned earlier that you want to see the world outside Devon. I may not be able to take you to Rome or Indonesia, but I can be the excuse you will certainly need to get out of the house every once in awhile."

Then a fourth.

"And last but not least, you will be helping a friend in need," Vincent gestured to himself, "My Dad will certainly be pleased as well, strengthening our companies' partnership, my affair with the said special friend won't be compromised, and again, we're going to have a great time."

"O... kay. And how does this supposed 'pretending' go? Am I required to do or say anything?"

"Nothing," Vincent said, "Just say that we're getting to know each other and act happy when you're with me."

"No label?"

"No. Why? Do you also have a secret love affair you want to protect?" he asked teasingly. But when he saw her abashed expression, he exclaimed, "By God, you do!"

"Well, no, not exactly..." Daisy stuttered, playing with the stars on her dress, "There's someone that I... have taken a liking to, though I am not sure if he returns the... the fondness. I just wish this scenario won't harm my current relationship with him."

Vincent exclaimed, "Well, just tell him about your feelings! Tell him that we're just putting on an act."

"It's not that easy. What about you? Why do you feel the need to hide your affair from your parents?"

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