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and into the new

January 14th, 1996

THAT NIGHT, SIRIUS heard some noise and went to check on Daisy's room.

When he pushed the door slightly ajar, he found her curled up in a ball, hugging the teddy bear she had brought from her old home, her shoulders shaking.

So he shut the door and let her be.

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January 18th, 1996

THE SOUND OF his mother's shriek caused Sirius to jump on his bed early that morning.

Throwing a random robe on, he dashed downstairs and found Daisy squatting on the floor, clutching her ears, silent tears streaming down her flushed face. Opposite her, Mrs. Black's portrait was proudly displayed in the open.

Its occupant didn't go berserk. Instead, she just crossed her arms and looked down at the poor girl, so full of hatred.

Her mouth was still so foul, her tongue sharper than double-edged knife, her tone so shrill and abrasive.

"I can't believe this rubbish! A Muggle. A filthy, low, unimportant creature as your kind, treading the holy, sacred ground of this Pureblood residence! How dare you? Do you think you're worthy? Let me tell you something, little girl, you are beneath us. There is a reason why we were given magical gift and you do not. You are a disgusting being —worse than a Mudblood."

"Mother! Stop that shite!" Sirius barked, standing between Daisy and the portrait. "Fact is, you are the worst of all."

"YOUUU! How dare you?!" Mrs. Black's shriek turned louder, and Sirius rolled his eyes. He scoffed.

"How dare me? How dare you! Stop trying to ruin children's lives even after you're dead!"

The hurtful banter was thrown to-and-fro as Sirius tried to shut the curtain close. Five minutes later, he managed to do that by himself.

Sirius huffed, tired from the sudden morning exercise.

Merlin, how he hated his Mother. No one could choose their parents, and he knew... He knew he had to love them despite of their flaws. He knew they ended up being like that partly because of their parents as well; they had been brainwashed by the Sacred Twenty-Eight society, their obsession for having pure magical blood. Sometimes Sirius wondered if they did that because they were afraid of losing this by-birth gift.

But this flaw of the Black family was entirely different from Fleamont Potter's inability of being tidy or Lyall Lupin's short fused temper.

Daisy's sob brought him back to reality.

"Geez..." Sirius sighed. Barry Allen's flaw was also on another level.

"Daisy," He tried calling, but she was still lost in her own world. He squatted down in front of her and tried again, "Daisy, hey. It's cool. It's just a talking picture, Dais."

The muffling barrier within her ears popped and Daisy lowered her trembling hands slightly.

Sirius glanced up at the clock, "Remus is better at this consoling thing. He's supposed to be here by now."

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