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life goes on pt. 1

July 26th, 1995

FRED WAS FRIGHTENINGLY quiet, the first two weeks of Summer vacation

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FRED WAS FRIGHTENINGLY quiet, the first two weeks of Summer vacation.

He couldn't sleep or eat well, and there were very little things that could lift his mood up.

Mrs. Weasley tried her best to console her children by making them as busy as they could be. She forced them to clean.

Perks of being left abandoned for years, Sirius' house was very... damp, dirty, musty, and borderline disgusting. The Blacks' incredibly unpleasant house elf, Kreacher, wasn't exactly helping either. He just showered them with incessant insults, especially since Hermione moved in mid July.

One night, though, the master of the house called him downstairs and offered him a cup of chamomile tea. Fred still needed some time to adjust himself, seeing Sirius Black swaggering and strutting around like a normal guy, unlike his Azkaban mugshot that the former was more familiar with.

Sirius got straight to the point and asked, "You like her, don't you?"

Fred raised his eyebrows, blinking in surprise.

Sirius grinned, "I may or may not have visited the so-called Allen Residence as Snuffles and overheard a private conversation between Daisy and Lucy."

Fred looked down. He went quiet for a few seconds before saying, "Then you must've known why none of us wanted to leave her alone in Devon."

"Yes. Your Father told us. He considered bringing her along," Sirius nodded, "Being a notorious prankster like you, though, I'd like to assume the best until proven otherwise."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, as students, I always thought that I could get away with anything, at least until my eyes saw a professor. The only thing Moony did by worrying about being caught and expelled, saying we should stop, bla bla bla, was killing the mood. Don't you agree?"

Fred chuckled, "Yeah. Totally."

"So let's do that. Let's keep on hoping that the flower girl is well." Sirius offered his fist and they did a fist-bump. "Hahah! Minerva's right! You are my successor."

"Please!" Fred beamed, "You. Are. Legendary. The Marauders' Map— It is way beyond brilliant! How did you come up with that, anyway?"

They spent the night talking and reminiscing about their best pranks and their narrowest escape from peril at Hogwarts. And the next day, Fred invited George to test their newly legal Apparition skill by starting a challenge: One day of NO WALKING. AT ALL.

A slight mishap happened, though. He apparated right into the toilet when someone else was occupying it.

Thankfully it was Sirius, so after screaming, he just laughed along.

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