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Now, as promised.

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start of war

July 16th, 1996

WELL. IT WASN'T that they didn't like her, not exactly.

It was just the way that she spoke, like she was above everything and everyone else. And how low, how insignificant the Weasleys and the Burrow seemed to her. The way she walked like floating and barging into rooms without warning like she owned the whole place —no, the whole world. How she talked to them like they were toddlers. The way she sprayed phlegm whenever she speak broken Eenglish. Blunt, unable to recognize fake pleasantry, and—

Okay, fine, they didn't like her.

If Daisy wasn't staying at Devon, the twins wouldn't visit the Burrow just to avoid Fleur.

His girlfriend —Fred was proud to finally be able to call her that, though he could only do it in secret— did point out that Fleur and her had a lot of things in common, but they were different.

Daisy embraced them. She never said the Burrow was small and boring. On the contrary, she said it was the biggest corner of her world.

When Bill brought Fleur to meet the other young adults last month, they didn't think that he was going all serious with her. There were signs, of course, but they thought, you know, it was probably a fling. Just spending a good, youthful time together, right?


Not right.

Five days after the Battle, Bill came in the Burrow with Fleur in tow announcing their impending marriage.

Anyway, Daisy had mentioned about tea with her Muggle friends, which would definitely stretch onto dinner, so the Weasley twins decided to skip that day's visit.

It was nearly two in the morning when an unexpected guest Apparated into George's room. George pulled his blanket up to his chin and instinctively reached for his wand under the pillow.

"It's alright, it's just me!"

"Bill?" George raised an eyebrow curiously, "Er— Right, the safety question— What's the color of Daisy's teddy bear from her late mother?"

"Purple. When Mum was pregnant with Ginny, what did you say to her?"

"Hang on, that's your question with Fred."

"Isn't this Fred's room?" Bill asked.

"Are we really your brothers?" George said, shaking his head. He jumped off his bed and walked ahead of Bill towards his twin's room, who was snoring so loudly in an angled position. He called out, "Fred, we've got visitor!"

"Hu— Huh?" Fred sat up, still dazed. "What time is it?"

"I won't bother with the safety questions, listen you two," Bill walked in. "Something's happened, and I thought you two would jinx us to oblivion if we don't let you know right now."

His serious and careful tone woke the twins up for sure.

"What's wrong?"

"Daisy and her Muggle neighbors were attacked by Death Eaters yesterday evening."


"She's fine," Bill quickly added, "She had her Spell-watch on, proved to be useful. Just some bruises, cuts, and a sprained ankle... But they killed a Muggle boy named Dominic and burnt his house down. We didn't know if it was a coincidence, a miscalculation, or if it was deliberate— but he was exactly her age... And his initial was also DJA. She seemed to know him well."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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