Part <1>

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Bonnie's POV

"Bonnie! Could you get table 5? Wilber is asking for his favorite waitress again " Angie my fellow waitress said mockingly.

"oh boy is that old man ever gonna stop complaining about his eggs?" I said with a giggle and headed straight to his table.

"There she iiisss! My favorite flower " he said in his very distinct Italian accent once i came into his view, I've always loved his accent cause 'he' had it too.

"Hey Wilber what do you need me for today, are your eggs too runny again? Need me to get you a fresh plate? " I smiled at him, he really made my mornings.

"Oh no, no, to be honest I just wanted to see ya, you do make mornings a whole lot better for this old man, you know you're like a daughter to me"

"Well I appreciate that Will but its kind of hectic today so I hope you wont mind if I cut our conversation short today will you?

"Not at all flower but I do have something to finally tell you"

Oh this old man always had the best tales of his daily adventures and I'm lucky he tells them to me each morning. "and what's that Will? " I said looking down at him.

"He's finally coming for his heart and he will take it back no matter how painful it would be"

My smile faltered only one person ever called me his 'heart' but it can't be him, he left me , he doesn't care about me and I have to remember that.

"uh Will have you not been taking your meds again you sound a little off the rocker today, I can call Alice to come and pick you up if you're not too well..."

"Oh stop, I'm just fine. I've looked over you for long enough and I do know you will understand my statement soon enough. But right now I gotta go , bingo at the community center is always fun on Wednesdays" he chuckled and left his money for his food and my usual tip on the table and walked out of the cafe leaving me stunned.

I watched through the big glass windows as he walked across the road into a black SUV with tinted windows. He usually just catches the bus who came to pick him up? I couldn't see but I felt like I was being watched and whoever is was watching me knew that I felt their stare.

"Wow wilber goes home in an SUV? that's new"I jumped at Angie's closeness.

"Dammit Angie you have to stop doing that, it's creepy "

"Sorry, wow , wow , wow this is a large tip " I turned to her looking at the money Will left on the table.

"are you sleeping with that old Italian pasta Bonnie cause if you are I'm not judging he pays real well and I can tell he aged like fine wine"

"Eww Angie he's like my grandpa that would be disgusting and insane! " I then looked at the money , he left $500 extra on the table!

" don't be so dense, some people are into that kinda stuff you know? "

"Bonnie!, Angie! I don't pay you by the hour to slack off now get to work! " our boss Chris yelled at us.

I picked up the money and put it in my pocket quickly.
I'll just give it back to him tomorrow but for now I have to not lose my job.


"Goodnight Bon, Bon I'm gonna go pick up Ben from his dad's and I'll be on my way home"

"Thanks Angie have a great night too. See you tomorrow " she hugged me and headed off that left me with cleaning up and locking up as well.

After I locked up I started my journey home and I checked the time it was ten passed 11.

THAT'S MY BONNIEWhere stories live. Discover now