part <19>

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Nerves that's all i felt as i saw the clock hit 3am we were in bed of the huge mansion Sebastian and i created with him resting his head slightly on my belly.

He fell asleep like that cause he wanted to hear the baby and 'cherish every moment of its existence before it passed him by' Honestly Sebastian surprises me every single day and it makes me fall even more in love

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He fell asleep like that cause he wanted to hear the baby and 'cherish every moment of its existence before it passed him by' Honestly Sebastian surprises me every single day and it makes me fall even more in love.

It feels so different being in here than it did the first time well you can't blame me i was sort of kidnapped by a person that broke me so it wasn't fun but now it felt ....perfect even more so that im pregnant its absolutely perfect.

I always had a feeling Sebastian was a forever soul in my life i just didn't listen to myself most times.


It was the next morning from when i came here and met Sebastian and the the others i came downstairs in the huge hoodie he gave me to sleep in and i was extremely nervous to go down i still really didnt know these people and my dad maybe looking for me. They can't want me here me for long...right?.

"Oh hey there you are thought you'd sleep for weeks come and have some breakfast they are blueberry muffins danny made them"mickey said

I was shocked to see the big guy they referred to as danny he can bake?

"Uhm sure thank you" i barely squeeked out and sat next to mickey

"So how do you like them i make them with a bit more cinnamon and heart"he winked at me

"These are amazing thank you" he smiled at me and after a few minutes i asked the question i was dreading.

"So uhm do you know where i can find my clothes ?"

" why would you need them? I can lend you some of mine no big Deal"

"Uh oh my father wouldn't take lightly to me going home the next day in a man's clothes"

"Who said you're going home?" We heard from behind us it was Sebastian Damn he was so hot in the morning.

"You don't expect to me to stay here do you?" I asked

"Yes i do because I'd be damned if i let you go back to the reason i brought you here to begin with" does he think he can manager my life right now?!

"Listen you took me in to calm the situation and i thank you for that but its crazy for you to think I'd stay here with a bunch of strangers"

"I took you in to calm the situation and never let it happen again besides we've all been strangers before we wouldnt mind one more" he smirked and he was right in front of me towering my 5'2 figure and i could feel myself giving in slowly.

"My clothes and stuff are back there"

"I can get you new ones "

"That would be a waste of money"

"The way i see it nothing would be a waste when it comes to you" and that knocked me straight out of the fight

There was something new about what he just said, something i wanted and my heart and my brain were screaming at me to take it.

"Fine but i want more muffins"

"Knock yourself out belissima "

That day i knew i wouldn't see my father for a long time but i also knew deep down that it would be worth it i just couldn't understand why yet.


I now understand why the man laying on me was my escape that's why it hurt when he left mad it actually hurt more than my mother leaving me and I'm just finally understanding why.

Sebastian gave me a huge sense of security he made sure to install it in my brain and heart that he ment forever that's why even though i try to fight it i can't debate with the plain fact of him being my soulmate.

I'll always comeback and stay ,he was and is my real home.

With my over thinking i finally fell asleep in his embrace.

" wake up"i heard Sebastians voice as i was shaken awake lightly.

"Hmm? What time is it?" I woke up seeing he's already showered, dressed and ready for the day

" its 11am i realized you fell asleep late so i let you sleep in"

"Really?! We have to be at my mums place at 1 "

"Its fine you can call and say we'll be a little late so just get ready  i have made something to eat for the two of you and we can go"

I smiled at him "thank you Seb"

"No problem babe I'll be downstairs doing some work OK?"

I nodded and he headed downstairs after giving me a kiss on the cheek i knew he'd be very busy with work while we were here so i can't blame him.


"I don't wanna go in Seb what if she doesn't like who I've become of the fact that I'm pregnant or didn't do anything in my life or,or"

he held my hand form his seat we had been in the car for over 10mn now in front of my mothers adresss and ive been freaking out.

"You're not the one who needs to enter her good books right now bon she's supposed to get into yours she has no right to judge what she left behind"

"You're right ,you're so right I'm not supposed to give a damn what she thinks of me its the other way around"

"That's right now lets go in there and show her how amazing you turned out" i nodded and we got out with him coming round to open my door.

Then the front door opened and there she was "i didn't know when youd came out so i just waited " she said

"H-hi mum"

"Hi my little cupcake " she had her arms out to me and i ran into them.

She smelt exactly the same like fresh baked cookies and roses.

"Wow you are so beautiful bonnie ,you're perfect"

"Thank you mum"

"And who is this very handsome man you have with you?"

"Hello I'm Sebastian Morettie I'm her fiancee "

She gave me a shocked look and her hands covers her mouth

"Fiancee oh my-, oh my God bonnie he's perfect! Come on come inside its cold out there"

We got inside and she lead us to the living room the place was so.. Homey something I've never had or experienced our home growing up always seemed dark and cold.

"Richard! Jack she's here! I mean they are here!"

And they came in jack was really the boy version of me but with green eyes that lit up the whole room

and Richard was..... The man that tried to rape me.


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