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"Shhhh Bonnie you'll be OK its not gonna be like last time i can feel it. We are together now in this nice house,you have your brother and your baby it won't be like last time"

"How do you know Angie?! I'm pregnant and he's gone again!"

i held my tummy finally breaking down from the recent events it hurts to be going through this but its for the best well that's what he told me.


"No Seb i don't like that crib its to high i want to be able to actually put my baby in it."

"Bon its the latest model and its the most expensive it has to be good"

"I dont care how expensive it is seb my 5,2 ass wants to gently put my baby to sleep and pick her up not toss her!"

I said hitting his army as we sat in bed looking at baby stuff online its close to midnight and we couldn't agree on baby stuff till he got a call.

"Hey.....what?!" He looked at me and the look he gave made my stomach drop something's not right.

He got up and started pacing what the hell is wrong with him!

Just then we heard sirens and lights outside with an authoritative knock on the door Down stairs.

"Shit!" He cursed looking out the window

"Seb?! What's going on?!"he walked quickly towards me and held my hands

"Listen somethings didn't go well with masons death and uh your mother and i have to go with them real quick my love OK?"

"Seb no no no you can't leave me what does this mean? what about the baby?" the knocks got more loud.

"Im gonna go downstairs and go with them OK my love? I love you so much please stay up here Mickey will get back to you just calm down, relax and breath OK my love the baby needs you"

he said quickly and kissed me so deeply like he tied the whole world to it.

I knew tears were falling down my face and he went down after looking at me one last time.

I immediately got up and looked out the window they cuffed him up and took him to a police car my life is falling apart.


"Ahh miss Bennett back again thought by now you'd get tired maybe find another baby daddy who isn't a most wanted criminal" the arrogant officer at the front desk said

He's been nothing but an asshole all week and it pisses me off but i can't do anything about it im more worried about Seb he's in the most complicated situation I've ever experienced.

"OK cutie go right in" butthead buzzed me in and i was escorted by another officer towards the visiting room.

The place was filled with disgusting people and don't get me wrong Seb doesn't have the cleanest sheet but at least his heart doesn't run with the acts

He kills people that deserve it and sure its not right for him to play God but I've never complained at least he cleans up the filth that walks among us i just wish he did the same to my mother.

I sat down waiting till the door opened and my Seb walked in you'd think he'd be a bit banged up but he has the whole place under his wings he looks fresher than a new born baby.

"My love you're glowing more today i love it on you"

"Of course you would but I'm super pregnant and my husband is still in jail all because of me"

"I told you to stop saying that bonnie "

"But it is! We shouldn't have gone to see my mother i was happy back in Italy with your family and you!"

"No you weren't, we both know it would have eaten you alive not answering her call you didn't know what she was planning my love"

A tear ran down my face "i really wish i did Seb now our future is untold,i let you down she rated you out to the police and for what?! An abusive scumbag! What an embarrassment "

I said frustrated with myself after we found out why he was in here my dumb piece of shit of a mother told the police that Seb killed her husband i mean its not a lie but it was a shallow move

and she tried to lie that he blackmailed him into signing custody of Trent away to us but that failed cause all the processes where done in front of a witness so jace stays with me.

"How did the funeral go"

"I don't know i didn't go to that stupid thing"

"Bonnie i know she's why im in here but i also know you, and i know you went " i looked up into his eyes.

"I stood a few feet away for a few minutes then angie took me home" he nodded.

"Well at least she can't cause anymore trouble that we know for sure and another thing i know is that ill get to see my baby girl born"

I scoffed at his statement "the police are very head on straight with you being here for life Seb you can't say stuff like that I'm due in 2 weeks or less!"

He took my hand in his kissed it and placed it in his cheek

"I made a promise to you a long time ago and i don't break them"

"Times up!!" The guard shouted at us about to come and take Seb away.

"Please put her in the yellow outfit i love, it will make me so happy my love, and remember i love you" he stood up himself and kissed my head with the guard behind him but the guard looked scared of him.

Seb began to walk back to the door pushing the guard out of the way like a nerd his bullying and i giggled and im sure his baby giggled too.


I came to visit Seb with mickey as my escort cause I'm super pregnant with a last ultrasound photo to give him i was so happy till i saw officer butthead and he looked like he was sweating gross.

"You! You helped him i new its always the dumb pretty ones"

"Excuse you?! Who the hell do you think you are to speak to me like that?!"

Mickey was just asking shocked as i was but he became pissed when the officer moved towards me almost about to grab me and mickey stepped in front of me.

"What the hell!? Did you just try to out your hands on me?! I want to see my husband he will deal with the likes of you Seb!"

"Well that's the problem he's stuff he's missing broke out last night and now I'm losing my job cause of your asshole of a husband and your slut ass-"

He didnt continue cause mickey punched him right to the ground when another officer walked up to us.

"Are you mr.moretties fiance ?!"

"Yes, yes i am what's going on"

"Your husband escaped prison last night and we have no leads as to where he could be im sorry".
Whats up guys here's a little update last time i updated i was a little over k10 reads and now I'm at k14!!!!!!!

Thank you guys so much for loving the book 🖤🖤🖤🖤

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