Chapter 8 - Three Deep Wounds

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Shrieks and screams came from the water, while everyone stared into the sky.

Bakugou's eyes widened.

"The hell?" He looked to where everyone staring.

His eyes widened.

It was Y/N falling from the sky, one of her wings red, and blood trailing above her.

Bakugou reacted quickly, igniting his hands behind him and flying towards Y/N.

He caught Y/N mid-air, and safely reached ground.

"Where the hell did the gunshots come from?" He muttered, then looked down at her.

Her hair was messy, her chest heaving in and out, blood splattered all over her body, and unconscious.

Bakugou looked at her with mixed emotions; he was worried, angry, sad, scared.

"Is she okay?" Kirishima asked, running towards Bakugou.

"I don't know," he whispered, "but what I do know is that we need to get her to the hospital."


"She has lost a lot of blood," The nurse whispered,  "She may need someone to transfuse blood."

Bakugou gritted his teeth.

"What blood type is she?"  Kirishima asked.

"She's an AB." The nurse replied.

"Take my blood," Bakugou said, lifting his arm up, "I'm an A, this shouldn't be a problem."

"Wait, Kat, you really want to think about this-" Kirishima began.

"Look! I don't give a fuck!" Bakugou retorted, "I can do what I want, and I want to do it for her."

Kirishima stared at him, wide-eyed. "So you do like her." he whispered.

Bakugou ignored him.

"Are you sure?" The nurse asked.

"I'm not fucking repeating myself, just take my blood." Bakugou spat.

"Ok sir, right this way."





Y/N can hear the faint sound of the machines, but she didn't know which one; there were many surrounding her.


Her eyes sharpened to the hospital room, her on the bed. The nurse by her side, looking hesitantly at her, with the clipboard.

"Why am I here?" Y/N asked, a bit groggy.

"You've been shot in the wing three times, therefore, there are three deep wounds in your wings, but they can heal overtime. You have lost a lot of blood while bleeding out on the beach. You were rushed into the ER, and we had to get some blood-work done. Otherwise, you've been out for the past forty-eight hours, and you can be free from the hospital."

"Forty-eight... Hours..?" Y/N groaned.

"Yes, Y/N. Forty-eight hours. You are free to go though, please, follow me this way. There are also people waiting for you."

The nurse unhooked everything from her with a snap of her fingers, (supposedly her quirk), and Y/N stood up for the first time in two days; her legs felt like jelly, but she still proceeded to walk behind the nurse.

"Here are your clothes that was brought to you," The nurse gave her the folded pile of her own clothes, "please change there." she pointed to a changing area.

After when she was done changing, Y/N walked out towards the waiting room to see the people who were waiting for her in there.

To much of her surprise.

Bakugou and Kirishima. she thought. They waited for me? 

Bakugou was twiddling with his thumbs, looking worried.

"Bakugou? Kirishima?" Y/N asked.

Bakugou got to his feet from the chair, walked towards Y/N and embraced her.

Y/N's eyes watered as he pulled her in for the hug; she hugged him back.

"Bakugou." Y/N flushed as she gazed into his eyes after when they were done hugging.

"I thought you almost fucking died," Bakugou looked angry, but relieved, "don't you ever scare me like that again."

He pressed his lips against hers.

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