Chapter 2

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As tremors raked through Draco's body, he couldn't tell if he was shaking due to the loud rumble of thunder, or if it was due to his increasing levels of anxiety. The task should've been simple, really. Afterall, he's been doing it for years, hasn't he? There was a lot more at stake this year however, and he was reminded of that with every look directed his way, accompanied by the whisper of his name.

Draco didn't know if he preferred the looks of malice, disgust, or pity. He deserved them all, and briefly wondered if he should just apparate back to The Manor. Why had he refused the offer of Harry's invisibility cloak again? Truthfully, he was trying to be a good boyfriend, knowing that Harry needed it more. Both men agreed not to use it however, as they knew they would have to face the music eventually.

"Why did I agree to ride this infernal train one last time?", Draco asked himself, narrowly dodging a sharp elbow angled in his direction.

"How's Father dearest, Malfoy?", someone sneered next to him.

"Exactly where he should be", Draco replied coolly, finally getting onto the train.

The person hadn't expected that kind of response from him, and looked to their friends in confusion. When they finally turned back to where Malfoy had been, he was gone.

Boarding the train, Draco was the picture of confidence. The Malfoy mask had slipped back into place, and the only telltale sign of his nervousness was the slight shake of his hands. As he walked towards the back of the train, the volume either increased or decreased depending on the house and year of the students he was passing, and he was fighting to keep his face impassive.

Suddenly, he feels a featherlight squeeze on his arm, and sighs inaudibly in relief, the tension leaving his body slightly. The hand guided him carefully towards one of the train cars, and as soon as the door was closed, Draco pounced on Harry, ripping the cloak off and connecting their lips.

"I missed you too", Harry whispered against Draco's lips.

Draco pulled back, resting his forehead against Harry's briefly, before collapsing on the seat next to the window.

"Are you okay sweetheart?", Harry asked quietly.

He watched as Draco pulled out his wand and cast advanced silencing charms, as well as a locking charm.

"I don't know if I can do this Scarhead. I'm a coward. Everyone is looking at me, whether it be in pity, or hatred, or some other charged emotion. I don't know how you lived like this for so long. Thank you for coming to find me."

"I didn't want you walking alone in the first place, you're just a stubborn git. Correction, you're my stubborn git", Harry declared, emphasizing the word my, as he sat next to his Draco. "I'm not letting you go through this alone Draco. You have my endless love and support. If after a week you decide you're not ready to be back at Hogwarts, we'll leave."

"You would drop everything, just like that, for me?"

"Draco, I love you. I would do anything for you. I promise you that everything will be okay. I won't let you out of my sight."

"Okay", Draco agreed, rolling his shoulders to relieve some of the tension.

"Let me help."

Harry's hands were magical, but Draco knew that already of course. So were his lips, and Draco was reminded of just that when Harry placed small, electrifying kisses on Draco's neck and shoulders. Once Harry was done, Draco leaned back into his embrace, finally feeling at peace, until a series of alternating short and long knocks ruined the blissful silence. He sighed, recognizing their code, and kissed Harry one last time before unlocking the door and putting some distance between himself and Harry.

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