Chapter 18

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The time had come for Hogsmeade weekend, and Harry was still on edge. The looks he and Draco had been sent were subsiding, but Harry detested the feeling of being watched.

A shower with Draco didn't even brighten his mood as Draco had hoped.

"We don't have to go Harry. We can reschedule."

"Things are only going to get worse."

"That doesn't mean we have to deal with it right now. We can wait a week. They'll understand."

"No, I said I would."

"Harry love, you have to take care of you. I know that you love everyone, but I love you and I won't allow you to continue doing this to yourself."

"It's hard to stop."

"I know it is my darling, I know. Do you want to stay in today? Or we can go back home?"

"I don't want to disappoint them. I promised you a date as well. I'm taking you out."

"I'd be happy if you just took me to bed", Draco replied with a wink.

Leaning forward, Harry stole a kiss, then pulled his Draco in for a hug.

"Are you ready to go then?", Harry murmured.

"I am. We're walking in a group before we split right?"

Harry hummed in agreement, before tucking the invisibility cloak into his pocket. With one last kiss, the two men were out the door, Draco's hand lingering on Harry's room. No one said anything, knowing how fragile Harry could be in this state.

Seamus had made one joke, and Harry knew he didn't mean it, but he couldn't stop the crackle of magic escaping from him. After that, everyone kept the teasing to a minimum.

Harry, Draco, Blaise, Neville, Pansy, and Ginny all walked together down to Hogsmeade. They agreed at a meet up spot in a few hours, then separated. Sticking close together, they first made their way to get some sweets.

Anyone who dared stare at Draco for too long or with any hint of malice received a death glare from Harry that quickly sent them on their way. No one was stupid enough to approach the two of them.

Only when they entered Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes did Harry let his guard down partially. It was hard to be upset around Fred and George who did everything they could to lighten the mood.

Soon enough Harry and Draco were laughing. It was when Draco threw his arm over Harry's shoulders that there was an issue. Harry, ever alert, had his wand pointed at the person before they could even open their mouth.

"If you're going to point your wand at our customers then you can leave", George said coldly.

"But he's a-"

"Friend", Fred finished. "If you don't like it take your business elsewhere."


"Leave, before I make you", Harry warned through gritted teeth.

"You've changed", the man accused, before turning on his heel and leaving.

"Everyone says that as if they ever knew me", Harry spat. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Really, it's okay. I appreciate you all, thank you."

"We know the truth, they can keep their noses out of other people's business", Fred added.

"Probably shouldn't do that again", Draco tried to joke, moving his arm from Harry's shoulder.

"Fuck them", Harry said, wrapping an arm protectively around Draco.

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