Chapter Ten

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The anthem played as Glimmer walked up the stairs and onto the stage. The lights hit her dress and showed how see-through it truly was. The blonde girl from District One was practically naked in front of hundreds of people. Her green eyes looked back at Cato before going to Caesar Flickerman.

For the 74th Hunger Games, Caesar's theme was blue. His hair, eyebrows, and suit were all powdered blue. Last year he was crimson; everything about him was red. The monochromatic man was good at his job, however, steering the conversation at times and even getting the quietest tributes to speak. Caesar Flickerman was highly charismatic. The man's smile was bright as Glimmer was next to him.

"My, my, Glimmer that is some dress! It looks good!" He held up her hand and helped the blonde twirl for the crowd.

"Thank you, Caesar!" she beamed. "And it feels good too." She winked at the crowd. Caesar jokingly tried to feel her dress and Glimmer laughed, "Oh stop it, Caesar." The tone of her voice was flirty. He held out his hand and faced the crowd with a cheeky grin, "Oh I'm a bad boy. Slap my hand." He told the girl. She did. "Slap it again." The crowd laughed as she did before sitting down.

"Tell me, Glimmer, what was life like before you volunteered?" Glimmer smoothed out her dress.

"Life was wonderful, Caesar. It was all I could've ever asked for." The green-eyed girl grinned.

"Do tell," he pried.

"I had all the boys I wanted." She smirked seductively at the crowd.

Wren wanted to throw up as the camera zoomed in on her face. The same face she makes when she looked at Cato.

Caesar smiled at the blonde.

"Now, tell us why you volunteered, it's something we have all been dying to know."

Glimmer smiled at the people before her, but Wren noticed the anger that flashed in her eyes. "I volunteered to show everyone that I'm not just a pretty face. I want to show you all what I can really do. And I will. I plan on winning, Caesar. Not just for District One or my family, but for myself."

Wren looked up ahead at Marvel. He was looking at the stage with a longing expression. He was looking at Glimmer with admiration.

Caesar nodded, "I understand. I mean, Finnick Odair won his games at fourteen, and what a handsome young man he is!" The camera turned to the crowd and showed a man with a dimpled smile and brown hair. The man, Finnick, gave a shy wave. The camera cut back to Glimmer.

"That just goes to show that someone can be beautiful and deadly." The girl said with a sweet smile. Caesar agreed quickly.

"Well, thank you so much for talking with us Glimmer. Now," he turned to the audience, "give it up for the lovely Glimmer!" He dragged out her name slightly as he held her arm up above her head. Glimmer moved a blonde curl over her shoulder and smiled at the crowd before walking to the other side of the stage. Caesar sat down on the chair and held the microphone up to his mouth.

"You've heard from Glimmer and now you'll hear from one of her District partners. Up next we have Marvel!" Caesar lifted his hands as the light was on the boy from One. Marvel's hair laid flat against his head. His suit was blue- a similar blue to Caesar's. The lanky boy shook Caesar's hand with a smile.

"Marvel, so glad to have you here!" The monochromatic host said with a smile.

"I'm glad to be here!" he chirped.

"Now, Marvel, I have three questions for you: what are your strengths, what are your weaknesses, and how do you feel about the competition?" Marvel clapped his hands together.

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