Fred Weasley-allergies

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It was a stressful week for you and Fred both. You both had so many tests and not to mention extra quidditch practice because of an upcoming game. You too barely had time to see each other.

Affection was very minimal throughout the week. A smile as you walked past him in the corridors. Brushing your hand against his at meals. Quick kisses before you had to walk away from each other.

It seemed to be the longest week of your life. Friday couldn't come any sooner. No more tests and no more quidditch practice for the week. You could finally spend time with your boyfriend.

This may have been better news if your allergies hadn't been acting up all day. A stupid new plant in Herbology class that drove you crazy all day long. You've had a stuffy nose since your early morning class.

Ignoring your allergies, you happily ran up to Fred's room. You were going to stay the night for the first time this week. When things get stressful, you each sleep better in an empty bed. You excitedly knocked on the door and he ripped it open as fast as he could.

You both got ready for the night and jumped into each others arms. You were laying with your faces inches from each other. You gazed into his eyes as you both sat in silence taking in the joy of spending time together

It was a peaceful moment. Until it became ruined as you sneezed right in his face. Loudly. It startled him so much he pushed away and fell right off the bed, landing flat on his face.

You panicked and glanced over the edge of the bed. He lay still on the floor in shock. After a moment a quiet giggle was heard. Soon he had burst out laughing causing you to do the same.

As your laughter died down, you reached out your hand to help pull him back into bed. He gladly accepted and hauled himself up next to you. Again you sneezed, but luckily it wasn't in his face this time. This caused a small outbreak of giggles from Fred and as curled up next to you so he could finish admiring you.

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