Draco Malfoy- Cold Walk

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You walked the corridors of Hogwarts as you did every Wednesday at 4:45. It became a ritual after how many tests seem to be on Wednesdays, and how walking helps clear your mind. The cold from outside was seeping in through the various windows Ana doors all around the castle. You could help but shiver.

As you walked, you said hello to various portraits as you passed. You've also made it a habit to be friendly to the portraits that fill the castle. Most of them are friendly and if simply makes time her a little bit better.

As you rounded a corner you heard sniffling. At first you thought it was Neville or a first year, but as you got closer, you noticed it was a blonde. Luna perhaps? No the hair was too short.

They suddenly turned around as you got nearer and you were met with the sad eyes of Draco Malfoy. He quickly wiped his eyes and turned his head back around, avoiding eye contact. He cleared his throat, "what are you doing here."

"I was taking a walk around the castle," you stated, still in slight shock. "Are you alright Mal-" then you saw it. A bright red letter torn to shreds on the ground around his feet. You didn't want to think about what the howler might have said. How rude it might have been. He it had been from.

Instead you took a step closer and pulled him into a hug. "Hey what're you-" "shhhhh" you reply softly. He stands in your grasp stiffly for a moment. After looking around to check that the corridor was clear, he melted into the embrace.

You two stood like that for a moment longer before you pulled back and brushed his cheek with your thumb. "It's ok Draco, there's no need to hide your emotions." He swats away your hand and takes a step away from you, avoiding eye contact.

He turns back to the window. After you realize he isn't going to say anything else, you go to continue your walk. But before you can make it far, a cloak is suddenly placed around your shoulders. You look back to see Draco, still avoiding eye contact. "It's cold" he simply states, noticing your confusion. You manage to nod and turn around around to begin walking again.

As you turn the corner, you place your cold hands into the pockets of his cloak. You feel a piece of parchment and quickly pull it out. On it is written "thank you- DM." You couldn't help but smile as you made your way back to your common room. Usually you would tell your friends what just happened, but for some reason, it felt like something to stay between you and Draco.

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