Tom Riddle-miss me

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Eliza walked up the dirt and stone path up to the old overgrown house. It looked as if the house and garden were at war and the garden had won. As she reached the grand oak doors, memories started to flood back to her. His sinister smile now imprinted in her mind.

As she opened the doors, the air grew extremely cold. The plants that have been plaster on the outside were seeking through every crack and crevice, breaking the windows as they grew. The floor was now covered in earth, a small stream flowing through the house from the heavy rain the night before. She followed the slow moving stream, looking at the now torn paintings that she used to love looking at.

She approached the broken glass doors that lead to the library. The smell of old books hit her hard as she walked into the large room. She continued to follow the stream around the bookcases, rubbing her fingers softly over the ruined book covers. She picked up her once favorite book and read the message he had written in the inside cover. His now meaningless words still brought a soft smile to her lips. She ticked it under her arm as she continued to walk with the stream.

She stopped when she had reached the ball room. A large pile of rocked lay under a broken window. She took a deep breath as she stepped forwards towards the grand piano. Her fingers ghosting o er the keys. "Miss me?" a deep familiar voice echoed through the room. She let herself fall onto the bench and placed her fingers over the keys. His low chuckle reminded her of when they had danced together in this very room. He sat down next to her and placed his hands over hers. He began to play a song, humming along waiting for her to join. "Nice to be back Tom. I really did miss you" she let her head fall into his shoulder. "I know."

This is from my one part story "Miss Me?Tom Riddle" I think it makes more sense here so I finally decided to post it here instead. I have deleted that story now. And actually it was a writing assignment I did in English class so😶

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